Hi Ladies,
I hope you are all well.
It has been about 6 months since my last post and I wanted to say a big Thankyou to all of the ladies that replied to me with advice. I decided to go ahead and have my lap and tube op. Left tube was taken and right tube was left in as it’s fine. Large fibroid found.
I’m now feeling back to normal and working on my weight loss & getting fit. I’ve also got new job just started seemingly less toxic environment just trying to get used to people being trustworthy and nice at work. Think this will take time!
I’ve had fert counselling and decided to go for next op which is myomectomy for large fibroid found. Consultant says recovery 10 months. I need to save for double donation in Spain after this. Planning end of 2020 (I will be 42).
My question is (after horrid conversation with my semi estranged older brother that he thinks I’m making a mistake doing this) should I leave the ivf and just save for house deposit and driving lessons and adopt instead or keep pursuing my dream even though it will take a while to get ready for it. Any opinions welcome, help am stuck!!
Apologies as this is mega long email.
If there is anyone going through the stuff I have mentioned I’d be happy to help with advice or what happened for me.