Hello beautiful people. This is my first time to ever write on this. However, every day this is the first thing I log into to see how everyone is getting along on their journey, I feel already that I have met friends for life โค๏ธ
Iโm feeling quite lost at the moment and I know that reaching out to you strong ladies I might find some hope to get me through the next few days. Yesterday I had my third egg collection within my year. Our ( being my husband and I ) had our first round of ivf (ISCI) last November.We got 10 eggs, 9 fertilized and then they slowly all stopped developing by day 4 ๐ข Devastated as you can imagine. We went on to find out my husband had high DNA fragmentation along with low mobility, low count and morphology.
Pulling ourselves together we saved hard and got ready for another round with husband on vitamins hoping to improve his sperm.
Second round last FEB.. we got 11 eggs, 10 fertilized but sadly by day 3 they stopped growing ๐ช my eggs then became a question too, it was horrible to think could we both be so unfortunate to have a problem!? Iโm 36, maybe Iโm just left with not so good quality eggs. Docs did further testing on us both, all mine seem to come back fine like chromosome testing etc but my husband had a FISH test done and his results came back Positive another hard blow โน๏ธ
So with docs advice we went into our third round using a donor sperm. Our egg collection was yesterday and I just feel heart broken already with the news. Today I was told I got 11 eggs. Only 6 were Mature and only 4 fertilized. They said they would ring me again on day 4 with an update to let me know how they are getting on.dint know how Iโm going to sit tight till then without going insane!! I know I should try to be more positive but after are last two failed cycles not making it to day 5 i just have lost all hope. We have now spent close to 20 thousand in one year in ivf as in Ireland ๐ฎ๐ช we get no funding if this doesnโt work I donโt know what our next step is, we have already begged and borrowed enough๐ซHas anyone any positive feedback or any uplifting similar stories were you only had very few fertilized embryos on day 1 that made it to day 5 ?? Any ideas why so many were not mature !!?
Trying to be strong and positive
Love โค๏ธ Teeny Tiny xxx