So...being married to the world’s most cautious and laid knack pessimist I’m wondering if I’m actually pregnant. He keeps saying “well why doesn’t it show on a normal test?” I have no response
How reliable are the early pregnancy ... - Fertility Network UK
How reliable are the early pregnancy detection tests.
Because the sensitivity of first response 6 days earlier are much more higher. S normal test won't show until your test day tell him that 😘💝
Thank you xxx
Early pregnancy tests are designed to detect far lower levels of hCG than regular tests. Its also far more likely to get a false negative than a false positive....that rarely ever happens. I do understand the caution and negativity....Im a bit like that myself. The only danger with testing early, and I dont want to scare you is that some ladies do suffer from chemical pregnancies where the pregnancy is detected by a test and quickly lost.xx
Yeah I feel that too. Chemical preganancy would be one of my fears too. Fingers crossed .

Absolutely! Everything crossed here, you totally deserve it!xx