IVF abroad: if you’ve done it, please... - Fertility Network UK

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IVF abroad: if you’ve done it, please let me know!

Scarlett13 profile image
43 Replies

I’m looking into the Czech Republic who have slightly better success rates than the U.K. and seem to be half the price.

One in Barcelona seems to be the same sort of price as U.K. but with almost triple the success rates?!

I’d really appreciate hearing from anybody who is or has done ivf abroad.

What country, what clinic, how was your experience and outcome? Please message me privately if you don’t mind with names of clinics.

I have one frozen embryo left on the nhs being transferred September but want to be ready to go with plan B!

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Scarlett13 profile image
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43 Replies
Scarlett13 profile image

I’ll be using my own eggs

Squeak2 profile image

Hey Scarlett13! I think both Cinderella5 and emu2016 May have been abroad? Amongst other ladies on here! I hope they won’t mind me mentioning them 💕 xx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Squeak2

Thanks squeak. I’ve got one more frozen embryo from my second nhs round left, being transferred in early September, but want my option B ready to go if that doesn’t stick x

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Scarlett13

Oh I already said that!!

Squeak2 profile image
Squeak2 in reply to Scarlett13

Wishing you lots of luck and baby dust! Tell the kitty he is your nurse for relaxing next time 😻 xx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Squeak2

Thank you squeak!! How are you doing? Winky is still my fluffy baby xx

Squeak2 profile image
Squeak2 in reply to Scarlett13

My small fluffy kitty I got after my d&c in dec is now a fluffy monster of 9months and is bigger than his 2 big fur sisters !! Still sleeps on my pillow and I’m ok, been quite a tough year at times just with hormones 😢 but waiting for a referral to the hospital to have my back and stomach checked out, Im praying all will be well! Then I can possibly get round to my last go if all is well xx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Squeak2

Sorry to hear you’ve got back and stomach issues and hope you’re fit and well for your next go ASAP! Love to the cats x

Hi Scarlett,

I've just come back from a clinic in the Czech Republic and had a BFP so can highly recommend, I will PM you the details xx

CatDV profile image
CatDV in reply to

Dear Clairenix,

Congratulations on your BFP! 😊

could you please PM me too as I am on the same boat?

in reply to CatDV

Thank you :-) yes of course x

Dydyna1979 profile image
Dydyna1979 in reply to

Can u pm me as well pls

Sabmarscu profile image
Sabmarscu in reply to


could you possibly pm me the clinic info also.

much appreciated x

Sharonl75 profile image
Sharonl75 in reply to

Congrats on your BFP. Could you please PM me the name of the clinic as well? Thanks

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to

Thank you xxx

Ariah profile image
Ariah in reply to

Hello could you send me the name please! Im looking a clinic abroad. My first Icsi failed here in England.

BevPurple profile image

Hiya, I've just got home from Cyprus 3rd time but sadly still not lucky. One frozen transfer but 2nd time none left to freeze as I had all 3 put in.

Best wishes to you.

Pm me if you want any specific info.

Bev :-)

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to BevPurple

Good luck!!! X

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to BevPurple

I’d love to know the name of your clinic and hear about your experience of the clinic, staff, costs, success rates, ease of getting there etc? X

Billywhizz10 profile image

We were considering going abroad, but stayed in the UK in the end. Please be wary of the high success rates given by some clinics, they pretty much all refer to pregnancy test rates, rather than take home baby rates.

EVERY clinic we challenged them on their rates and we're told, this was the case, selective data. What you need is the live birth rate , which in our research showed was never much better than any UK clinic,

The only real benefit was the price for going abroad, but once you factor in flights, hotel, the savings we'rent enough for my wife to leave the UK clinic where she felt very comfortable with the nurses and doctors and it was near her work.

Best luck with your cycle xxx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Billywhizz10

Thank you! This is a very good point. I have been asking specifically for live birth rates when I message clinic in the Czech Republic and the figures they respond with seem to be 11% higher than the U.K. clinic I’ve been using and the treatment half the price so I’m pretty sure I’ll be going abroad. Want a holiday out of it too! But I’m glad your wife feels comfortable with her local chosen clinic and I wish you both success in this journey

Billywhizz10 profile image
Billywhizz10 in reply to Scarlett13

Thanks, it sounds like you're making an informed choice , 11% sounds great, you have to give yourself every chance. With us it was very different as we had moved onto donor egg at that stage and the prices abroad are so much cheaper. But as the chances had greatly increased with donor (as my wife was 40) wherever we went, we thought we try at least once donor cycle at home.

Reading your post, I really hope you don't need this plan b and your treatment in September gives you a BFP, but it sounds like you've got a determination that will mean one day you will have a baby for sure! xx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Billywhizz10

Thank you! Positivity and determination is key in this awful long journey right!!

Cinderella5 profile image

Im doing treatment abroad in Athens. I looked at the Czech Rep too but opted for the city with the beach! Ha ha ha Im not sure if Im anything to go by for success stories as Ive lots of issues/problems but I know of two ladies that have had live births and another who went on my recommendation and is pregnant too. However I would say all of us have used donor eggs. PM me if you want more info.xx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Cinderella5

Hi Cinderella

Athens would be a great place to visit! Although I’m likely to be going in December time so the beach isn’t that necessary (but could be for future visits if needed)! How have you found your clinic, the staff, the costs, the overall experience and ease with Greece? I’ve read that Spain and Greece are the most expensive places to go in Europe, what have you found? If you could PM me that would be great and sorry to hear you’ve not got your BFP yet but I’m sure you are in the right place and doing everything you can x

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Scarlett13

I'll drop you a PM, Greece is certainly much cheaper than Spain....will send you some info.xx

Missy_22 profile image

I went to north Cyprus. Good experience an currently 8+ a lot cheaper. Wish I had gone sooner. X good luck to you

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Missy_22

I’ve not yet looked into Cyprus. Would you mind sending me a PM with the name of your clinic and experience? How is the clinic, the staff, the success rates and costs? It’s so overwhelming trying to choose! Congrats on your BFP xxx

Blondyboo profile image

I went to Cyprus and have a 5 week old little boy :)

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Blondyboo

Hi Blondyboo! Amazing!!!! Congrats x Would you mind reading my reply about Cyprus above and sending me a PM with your experience? Thanks so much!! X

Mantaray75 profile image

I am currently 5 weeks pregnant following egg donor treatment in Barcelona. I couldn't fault the clinic. They were very professional and the facilities were amazing.

I'll PM you the name of the clinic.



Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Mantaray75

Thank you!!! Have PM’d you and wow, congrats x

Hi Scarlett were going to Cyprus in October for a tandem cycle. I cant comment at the min as never been before so im a bit nervous. Its been a bit tricky so far though as they need my blood group for a start which i dont have. The only way i can get this is by becoming a blood donor. So ive made an appointment for 2 weeks time to give blood. Ive also just got back from my GP after trying to get a referral for a private hospital for all my scans and the endo scratch. He grilled me to death! So many questions!!! Im trying to keep on top of things so nothing go's belly up. If you need any info message me xx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to

How much does a single round if ivf with own eggs and freezing seem to cost in Cyprus if you know? Good luck!!!!!

in reply to Scarlett13

Hi Scarlett not sure on cost for own eggs but for tandem its €4500. I think its around €1000 to freeze any left over X

londonrc profile image
londonrc in reply to

Would you pm me as to which clinic in Cyprus you will got to and how you decided on that clinic. Can I also ask how old you are - I’m 45 and I think now my best chance is donor eggs.

Effie_L profile image

Hi Scarlett13, my best woman, who lives in the UK, had IVF in Athens, in the same clinic I had mine... I call her to PM you with the details. Good luck!

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Effie_L

Thank you!!! How did you find the clinic?

londonrc profile image
londonrc in reply to Effie_L

Can you pm me details of the clinic in Athens please, I too am looking to do ivf abroad but with donor eggs as I am 45 yrs old. I was looking at spain as it’s more familiar to me but now reading many women’s success in Athens I’m more swayed. It’s so hard to decide which clinic to go with.

mammami profile image
mammami in reply to londonrc

I went to Greece recently and had a donor embryo transfer at IVF Athens Centre. Being 45, single and not able to conceive using my own eggs, and having had 3 failed IVF attempts using my own eggs, I knew this was my last resort. I chose Athens IVF Centre because of an initial skype consultation I had with Dr Athanassiou. Because of this, I decided to go with that clinic and I am glad I did! I am the mother of a 2 1/2 months baby and I am very excited!

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to mammami

Congratulations on your baby ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I posted this a year ago and am pleased to say that I ended up getting pregnant with embryo number 8, 3 cycles, so didn’t need to go abroad in the end - currently 18 weeks 🥰

Effie_L profile image

Hi Scarlett13, I did a lot of research, and I shortlisted 3 clinics. Then I had 1-3 meetings with the chief doctor in each clinic... How's your research going?

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Effie_L

I’m actually staying in the U.K. now thanks to a very generous financial gift from my auntie, meaning that with our own money added to it, we can go for a 3 cycle package with 100% refund through Access Fertlity

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