Hello wonderful ladies, anyone have any experience with embryo adoption? Think it could be our last chance and hoping for some positive stories and possible clinics?
Embryo adoption : Hello wonderful... - Fertility Network UK
Embryo adoption
I just joined the donor conception network and the woman who contacted me to welcome me had her family of 2 from embryo adoption in Spain.
Ok wow, givea me hope thanks 🙏🏻
Hi! We’ve just been accepted for it with a clinic in Spain. So excited! We’ve been ttc for 11 years, 3 failed IVF, and now this is our last chance. Are you going to try it?
Oh that’s exciting! Yes if my current cycle fails we have decided to go for it! Does your clinic offer u any idea of the physical features of the donors? Maybe DM me the name of th clinic it might be the same one as us! X

I’ll DM you - but for anyone else out there... the clinic tries to match on physical characteristics. We’re hoping to have our first transfer in 3 weeks or so - it’ll be so interesting to find out what we can about the donor parents. Our clinic does a guarantee - which we have been accepted for. If it doesn’t work over 4 attempts, we get our money back. Our ivf failed because I had very low ovarian reserve so we had limited number and quality of embryos. We are so excited to try this!