Hi everyone, I haven’t been on here for some time but I thought I’d update anyone who remembers me! This week we have been approved to start stage 1 of the adoption process. We are feeling hopeful, if a little nervous about what 2019 holds.
We had our last ivf cycle (our 4th and a chemical pregnancy) in may 2017 and since then we have took some time to recover from and process everything we’d been through, addressed any fears we had about adoption and done soooo much talking and soul searching. We also lost our beloved dog who was 18 so while she was an amazing age, it was just another loss and grieving process and we miss her every day.
We’ve also had a number of lovely trips, events, nights out etc and have enjoyed just being ‘us’ again before everything infertility took over our lives and relationship.
For all of you right in the thick of the hell that can be treatment, I never thought I’d feel at peace with ceasing treatment without achieving our dream of a pregnancy and healthy baby..but I do. As time went on I realised I wanted a family with my husband, not necessarily a pregnancy and I just couldn’t do ivf anymore. I didn’t think this would be the case but here we are. I wish all of you all the luck in the world, it’s really bloody tough and you’re all heroes.
If I could offer any advice it’d be to keep an open mind, your feelings and decisions can shift and change over time, and you may find yourself on a path you never thought you would. We have a long way to go yet, but we’re feeling positive. Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy & healthy 2019 where your dreams come true x