Tonight I've had a bit more of dark reddish blood/ spotting- i' m 5 weeks and 2 days. It's not bright red and I don't know if because I'm on clean that makes a difference but it's got me worried. Should I call my clinic? TIA xx
Dark red/ brown blood: Tonight I've had... - Fertility Network UK
Dark red/ brown blood

Is it more browny than red? X
It was mostly dark brown but yesterday I had a tiny bit if light pinkish then back to the dark brown which I've had all day and when I went to the bathroom tonight it's a dash of dark red on the liner and a bit of brown. X
Im really not sure what to say. Id maybe phone your clinic in the morning. They should be able to reassure you. Xx
Thank you. There's been no more so i'm possibly over reacting- it was just seeing it a bit more red that panicked me. I just want to be able to enjoy it but I can't when my body keeps making me question what's going on. How are you feeling? X
Im glad you've had no more. It is just one big worry isnt it.
Ive started with mild sickness and bad headaches 😔. I shouldn't complain, as i guess its all a good sign x
I've just had nausea and sore boobs and spotting. True we can't complain really xx
How are u feeling today? Anymore spotting? X
Hi! Feeling tired and had backache and a niggling headache. Still spotting- had a bit more today- it keeps going between dark red, pink and brown it's more when I wipe with a bit of brown on a panty liner so not heavy, more like the last bits of a period. I've read this is normal and that the pessaries can cause irritation only to worry if it turns bright red and heavy so decided to start taking the pessaries rectally and see if that helps (sorry tmi). The clinic letter said spotting and light bleeding is normal so i'm trying not to worry and keep positive. How are you? Xx
I've been told to use the cycolgest rectally too. I've not yet brought myself to doing it though 🙈😂😂
Im good thanks. Looking forward to my scan on the 8th. Whens yours? X
I got a slight tinge of brown/pink almost like discharge this morning....Then nothing all day and then 2nite when i wipe a a slight pink... quite slimy i would say....I dont think you have anything to worry about unless painful cramps and bright red...hope all goes ok and try not to worry... thats all we can do my love xx
If you are taking vaginal pessaries sometimes they can cause irritation which would cause this but I would call your clinic and they will maybe advise to up your doses xx

Thank you! I hadn't considered that. I've had no more but the more reddish colour freaked me out a bit. I just really want the next couple of weeks to hurry up so we can hopefully see a heart beat. Every time I let myself relax a little my body does something to drive my anxiety through the roof. I'm determined to have this baby! How are you getting on? Xx
Hey CC2018.. how did your pregnancy go? Hope you gave birth to a healthy baby.. I'm in your situation now. It drives me crazy.
Hi! I'm currently 31 plus 5 days pregnant so not long to go now. The bleeding did stop and at my viability scan they said baby was fine but my lining was irritated causing the bleed. As soon as I started using the pessaries rectally it pretty much stopped the bleeding. Hope you are ok x