So I’ve just had a call from the senior embryologist to discuss my concerns regarding a day 5 transfer. He has suggested that he checks them tomorrow morning and if they are all looking good, we wait until day 5. If however they are a mixed bag, I’ve been given a time for tomorrow to go in for transfer. They will check in the morning and give us a call if they look good and to wait until Monday. Now I’m worried I’ve done the wrong thing. What if we transfer tomorrow and then come Monday we have a blastocyst but it’s not good enough to freeze and we miss the chance on that? Argh - we is this never straightforward!
Argh - don’t know what to do! - Fertility Network UK
Argh - don’t know what to do!

Oh that's a tough one! If it makes you feel any better, in all my cycles the ones that were best looking ones on day 3 were the ones that were the better blastocysts on day 5 and the ones on day 3 that were not so great tailed off by day 5. Im sure you can have a chat to get some further advice from the embryologist tomorrow with your concerns depending on what they see. Hopefully you wont have to consider a day 3 transfer and your embryos are all dividing away just fine!xx
Thanks lovely. It’s so stressful. Part of me thinks if they don’t make it to day five they won’t make it anyway but another part of me is really worried about not making it to transfer again. I think I might get up early and call the lab if I can get through to see what they say then and if it’s good ask to hold off to Monday. Knowing my luck I won’t be able to get through and once they take them out the incubator, maybe they won’t put them back in 😱
No, no, no dont think like that! I totally get your concerns as Ive been there too. I misunderstood, I thought you were getting a phone call either way. Yes I would even ring them back and just say could they let you know either way what their thoughts are tomorrow.xx
Agreed with Cinderella5. And they always say the best place for them is back where they belong xx

Thanks Camillage xxx
No worries, whatever they suggest will be for the best. I think they realise our mental capacity to make informed decisions is a little impaired at this point...

I know, I’ve just spoke to my husband about it and he is sooo confused. He doesn’t know what to do either, or what the right option is. I wish they could just say what the chances were for each scenario and let us assess it that way but I really think the whole think is just a punt and no one really knows x
Well, as Cinderella5 said they tend to have a pretty good idea, but if you have a few to choose from they prefer to go to day 5 in order to choose the best of the bunch. Trust in the embryologist, if you don't understand something ask. Xx