Hey I'm now d10 post fet not had any scary systems as yet just dull aches, sore boobs now and again I'm wondering is it safe to test? I know the rule is 2 weeks but will it show up if I'm pregnant at this stage? Xxx
Should I test?! : Hey I'm now d10 post... - Fertility Network UK
Should I test?!
If you can I would wait. My last twice I tested early and drove myself made because they were negative and really upset me. This time I’m waiting to the day before even to buy the test so I can’t do that x
Think holding off is best I'm actually petrified of testing! On my last two cycles I've never got this far! But it's first fet I've had so I dont know if they differ or not?! Xxx

I’ve had one fresh and one frozen. The fresh cycle I got my periods the day before I tested. The frozen was about 3 days later. It’s so hard knowing if symptoms are from the medication or not and getting your hopes up. Fingers crossed for you x
This is why its so confusing and frustrating I feel like I'm being lead into false hopes cause I've never got this far before but then I think it's a different cycle from the last 2 fresh cycles after two egg collections! Where I had horrendous cramps and had heavy bleeding Day8 on both rounds! None so far this time! It's so draining I really hope it works for us both this time 😁 xxx

Well that is a good sign your not bleeding. I don’t test until the 7th so got ages to go. Trying not to think maybe it’s worked at the same time as prepare myself for another negative just messes with your head x
It totally does! I have been feeling alot more positive about this cycle than previous! I'm just petrified of testing 😬 hope your 2ww goes in quick! Xxx
We always said we wouldn’t test early but had a BFP on day 8p5dt (FET). What does your OH think? You have to seriously consider how you would feel if it’s negative. I think I would have been prepared for it, as I am very philosophical, but I’m not sure my OH would have handled it so well if it was a BFN! It all depends on your personalities.
What I will say is when you do test use First Response, as we found this so much clearer & more sensitive. Good luck, & fingers crossed for your BFP! 🤞🏼 xx
My OH likes to follow the rules 😂 I have mentioned about testing early to him but doesn't say much think he is like me and scared of the results! I think I'll wait few more days! It's just really hard as never done a fet before so I have no idea if you can even get a period during it ie failed cycle or does the medication stop you having one?! 🤔 I bought a first response yesterday 😬 thank you I hope I get a bfp too xxx

Lol, that’s fair enough - after all the rules are there for a reason! 🙈 My understanding is that you can have a period, but it’s not guaranteed (because of the meds). I know that with FET implantation can take longer, so for that reason it’s best to wait until OTD to test, as it may be a late implanter.