Take twin risks very seriously 😞 - Fertility Network UK

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Take twin risks very seriously 😞

Kathy_t profile image
β€’21 Replies


I haven't posted in a while but was lucky enough to conceive during first round of IVF and am now at 26 weeks with twins. The bad news is that twin B might not make it. It may be that he dies in the womb while his twin brother continues to thrive and I may end up having to deliver one alive and one dead baby. Or even if he makes it, he's going to have a lot of problems. I'm writing for two reasons:

1) has anyone else been through this and can offer any advice?

2) if you are lucky enough to have multiple embryos, really consider the twin risks seriously. We had the 'we want a family and let's get it over and done with in one' attitude which I feel has really come back to bite us 😞


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Kathy_t profile image
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21 Replies
Cinderella5 profile image

Kathy Im so sorry to hear that you are going through this and what you are faced with coming. You have obviously put this on as a warning to us all, is there a reason that the Dr gave that having two embryos back has caused this? Sending massive hugs.xx

Kathy_t profile image
Kathy_t in reply to Cinderella5

The second placenta doesn't appear to be functioning as well as the first one, as well as there not being really enough room for two πŸ˜”. I really wouldn't want anyone else to go through the same x

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Kathy_t

Sorry for prying, I just wondered what the reason that you gave the warning as its perhaps something to consider. As I said Im sorry so that you're going through this and that there is nothing they can do.....so devastating for you!xx

Kathy_t profile image
Kathy_t in reply to Cinderella5

No problem at all. They have a general warning that having twins carries risks for the babies and the mother as it makes the pregnancy more complicated. They weren't wrong! X

Becky179 profile image

Hi Kathy, im 20+4 weeks & we have also just found out that we have issues with one of our twins. (I've just posted, if you want a look)

We also weren't prepared for any problems that may arise from twins. I'm sorry you're also going through such a tough & worrying time. Please so message me if you want a chat at all. Xx

Kathy_t profile image
Kathy_t in reply to Becky179

Ah Becky, I just read your post. It's awful. I'm so sorry, your poor little girl. What a worry these twins are. It's so difficult knowing what to plan for and also knowing you don't really know anything until the next appointment then the one after that. I still feel like I can't celebrate the pregnancy as I'm always worried about 'what if' πŸ˜”I'm here to chat if you need it too x

I am so sorry to read this. Thank you for sharing. I cannot imagine how devastating it must be for you. Especially with all the uncertainty. Xx

Thanks for posting this message. We were disappointed they would not let us put 2 embryos in at the time we were having IVF - but seeing your message makes us understand why they didn't.

Sorry to hear about the 2nd baby being poorly. Hope that some miracle happens during the rest of the pregnancy.


Kathy_t profile image
Kathy_t in reply to

Thank you. I'm glad for you that they didn't let you either. These people know what they're talking about! X

in reply to Kathy_t


silvanti_78 profile image

Hi Kathy , I am so sorry to hear your news . May I ask how old you are ?? I had treatment in Turkey and there they’ll only transfer two ( no more ) when you’re above 35!

I know that you may feel guilty for being greedy but no matter of the outcome - stay positive . The issues you’re describing can also happen to someone who convinced naturally . Or if you’d have only one embryo transferred - it could have split . Nature has decided it ! Either way .

I have a friend who had twins naturally & then your symptoms in her next pregnancy with only one baby .

I know this may not help you but I believe either way this what’s happened is not your fault . Feel hugged .

Kathy_t profile image
Kathy_t in reply to silvanti_78

Hello, I'm 38 and this is my first pregnancy. You're right though, I suppose this could've happened naturally anyway. What is going to be will be. It's just bad knowing I can't control the outcome xx

silvanti_78 profile image
silvanti_78 in reply to Kathy_t

You don’t know yet what will happen . Never lose hope x

Yammie1973 profile image

Hello Kathy_t

Like everyone else I am so so sorry to hear of your news. I am doing IVF through a private clinic whose policy is ONLY ever ONE embryo transfer at a time...reading your post I can understand why they insist on that policy. My cousin had twins but then one died and she had to give birth to one dead baby and one premature baby...to this day she still battles daily to deal with the loss. Wishing you everything good in the times to come.

Kathy_t profile image
Kathy_t in reply to Yammie1973

Hi Yammie, I'm glad your clinic are so strict. I feel if we weren't given a choice we wouldn't be in this situation!! Agh! And your poor cousin too, I can't even begin to imagine what that must have been like but I've got to start preparing to imagine. It's not nice! X

Yammie1973 profile image
Yammie1973 in reply to Kathy_t

Take it one day at a time Kathy...always my motto. As my best friend says...'never borrow sorrow from tomorrow' Keeping you in my thoughts.

Thank you for sharing your story Kathy- I’m sure a lot of people will find it really helpful and it is very caring of you to write something despite all the heartache you must be feeling. fingers crossed for both your twins. Xxxx

Kathy_t profile image
Kathy_t in reply to

Thanks Zoe x

So sorry to hear of the difficulties you are facing. Remember how incredibly strong you are, and know that we are all thinking of you x

Drives profile image

I'm so sorry to hear of the difficulties you're now facing. I really feel for you and think you are incredibly brave for sharing. Will be thinking of you over the coming weeks x x

forMoira profile image

So sorry to hear this. My GP strongly advised me not to allow the CLI ic to talk me into transferring two embryos for this reason. Try to have hope that both your little miracles will be super healthy.

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