Hello ladies looking for some reassurance I have experienced in frequent but quite sharp pulsing pains in my lower stomach today. Not cramps and no blood but enough to make you jump. Has anyone else experienced this? I am 7 weeks? Thanks.xx
Sharp Pains 7 wks: Hello ladies looking... - Fertility Network UK
Sharp Pains 7 wks

I got this a lot during pregnancy especially early on and also period cramps. Midwife told me it's stretching of the womb and ligaments as baby grows and completely normal. Congratulations xx
I agree with littlemisstired. Cramping and odd sharp twinges seem to be a common thing as everything begins to grow and stretch to accommodate your baby. If you had a fresh transfer your ovaries may still be a little active too xx
Hello, I had pains as well and they are scary, as well as uncomfortable, I posted about it so you may find some of the replies helpful. I'm currently 9 weeks pregnant and still scared of something going wrong and am hanging on until my 12 week scan. It's not easy to relax about it all but take each day at a time xxx
Hey I know how u feel I’m seven weeks and have had some really sharp pains and cramps I had my scan and all is well but my ovary is a little swallon