I had my first ultrasound at 6+1 weeks. No yolk sac and fetal pole found. They advised me to go back in 2weeks time. Is there anyone here have a successful pregnancy and found the yolk sac and fetal pole 2 weeks later?
Firts scan no yolk sac and fetal pole - Fertility Network UK
Firts scan no yolk sac and fetal pole

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Sorry you are going through this. Was it an abdominal scan or a vaginal scan?
Hi! Sorry I don't have any advice on this, I wish you all the best, I saw your post where you said yesterday your hcg was 7308 how far along were you yesterday? Sending hugs your way

Hi Springbaby. Sorry you have this worry, but you need to give yourself eight weeks before they decide what’s going on. Thinking of you. Diane
was this a frozen transfer as sometimes they can be a little behind and did you transfer 1 or 2? Sometimes when it’s 1 that has split then they can measure a little behind too
Two weeks seems like a long time, maybe to ask if you can go again in one week. If you had IVF there’s no confusion on the dates so you should be seeing something by then. Keeping fingers crossed for you xx
I had a scan at 5+3 and they only saw gestational sac and at 6+3 they saw everything and heartbeat. I know that’s a bit different timing to yours but I think it’s def possible. Keeping hope for you lovely - the fact that HCG is increasing is a good sign and seeing both sacs rules out ectopic. Keeping hope for you 🙏🏼🤞🏼I would request going back in a week rather than two for peace of mind.
I had the same, empty sac at 6+1 no yolk sac or fetal pole and feared blighted ovum. Then everything turned up by 6+4. 6 weeks is just on the cusp of when everything can't/can be seen, so you should definitely know by 7 weeks. Do take care and I do hope things might be ok for you too X
Hi Springbaby I'm sorry that you're going through this, it's so stressful. I haven't had your same experience, however I had an early scan on exactly 6 weeks at EPU because of bleeding, and I do remember it took them like a good 45 minutes to find the heartbeat , they had to do a lot of zooming in and out to find the right angle. Things are tiny at that stage so hopefully it can still change, ask them for a scan in a week to avoid having to stress for such a long time!! Best wishes i hope everything works out well x