I’m on day 4 after FET (frozen embryo transfer) and I have absolutely ZERO symptoms. No breast tenderness, no cramps...nothing. My emotions are definitely getting the best of me and am trying not to lose hope. Has this happened to anyone else and still gotten a positive pregnancy result? Is this normal?? If anyone has any words of encouragement or scientific input...please jump in!
No symptoms after FET😫: I’m on day... - Fertility Network UK
No symptoms after FET😫

It’s still very early, no symptoms doesn’t really mean anything this soon so please don’t panic or give up hope!! I’ve never really known this early after any of my transfers. Best of luck and I hope you get your BFP xx

Thank you! I truly am trying to keep my hopes up! This is my 2nd transfer...and the reason I’m so nervous is because this is how I felt on my 1st failed one. I know every time is different- just need some encouragement. My husband is Mr. Positivity...and as great as that is...I feel I can’t really say anything to him.
Hi dear
Today is my 5th days post embryo transfer and no symptoms at all
I had no symptons my entire pregnancy. You've got this. I know how paranoid it makes you though.
Be hopeful! I had no symptoms really in the first 10 days and didn’t think it has worked. I also had a little spotting, just before the blood test but I’m 9 weeks and all is well. All my symptoms are mild ..... apparently some women just tolerate the pregnancy hormones better than others! Wishing you all the luck in the world 🤞🤞🤞xx
Hi there, try not to worry. I was also concerned about my lack of symptoms in the 2ww and was sure my transfer hadn't worked... but lo and behold my test was positive and am now 36 weeks pregnant. So not everyone gets early symptoms and try not to read anything into it, try to distract yourself as much as possible during the 2ww - I know it is so difficult to do! Good luck and fingers crossed for your test date xx
No scientific input but hopefully some encouragement! I had 2 cycles with loads of symptoms (painful breasts, heightened sense of smell, nausea) that ended in a bfn. My 3rd cycle had no symptoms at all and got my first bfp. It can happen! Good luck XX
I had no symptoms and still don’t at over 10 weeks! Don’t panic, I’ve learned that symptoms mean very little. Wishing you lots of luck
I’ve done 5 transfers - one fresh that resulted in a baby, one failed, two that succeeded but ended at miscarriages at 6 and 11 weeks, and one ongoing. I felt pretty much the same during all of them at 4dp5dt. In each of the successful cycles, a pregnancy test was faintly positive on that day, more distinct on 5dp5dt.
I love seeing posts that I can give some help with. I had my FET on 5th november 2019, I drove myself mad because the clinic said you may feel sore boobs and pregnancy type symptoms but I felt NOTHING at all. I mean nothing...I drove myself mad. I am now 15 weeks and 2 days pregnant and guess what ... i still feel nothing at all. The fact you feel nothing means nothing. I have had 2 FETs now. This may be your time but I know you will worry regardless. Stay positive, this may be it.xx
Thank you so very much for your encouraging words!! This truly does help, although, as you said, I’ll still drive myself mad! Particularly nervous as this is my 2nd transfer. First failed transfer I had no symptoms either...but I’m learning that this is more common than not. I’m beginning to feel mild cramping...so of course I’m now worried it’s my period! 🤦🏻♀️ But this encouragement truly does help!!! Congratulations on your pregnancy and best of wishes. 🥰
Ha, ironically by around the 5/6th day I felt cramping on my 1st cycle, not much but enough . I had a BFP for that too bit miscarried at 8 weeks. I honestly believe this may work for you. Please keep me updated.xx
It’s day 6 since I had a1 Frozen Blastocyst transfer... I’m not in any hormonal therapy it was a natural after my natural ovulation. I since feel bloated and now and then little tingles down my belly... my right breast is a bit sore but apart from that I’m ok a bit more tired than usual and I’m sleeping like a baby... ! I hope it’s a positive outcome. I read that many women have no symptoms up until missed period. Are you taking any medication ?
I am 2 days post transfer and no symptoms. Last pregnancy I had implantation cramps but this one nada. Hope will be a BFP with everyone trying