Feel like it’s a been a while so hope everyone is doing okay whichever bit of the journey their on.
I finally had surgery yesterday to get to the bottom of this free fluid, they removed a polyp and took another biopsy. They also did a scratch while they were there and said my endometrium is inflamed. Unfortunately the morning surgery ran over so mine was hit and miss to go ahead - thank goodness it did but it meant I couldn’t speak to the consultant after.
Originally they said I could start treatment on the cycle after my surgery so I’m going to ring the clinic Monday to make sure this is still the case.
The surgery has brought up a lot of emotions from last year, I ended up in the same theatre and recovery bay as when I had no choice but to have my D&C. Last night I had a few flash backs and today I have been crying at everything which I know is part of anaesthetic to however I’m going to take this weekend and a few days off next week to ‘re group’ and focus on my mental health some more.
Hope everyone’s enjoying the weather and has a lovely weekend ☀️ xx