Hayfever! Can I take anything? - Fertility Network UK

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Hayfever! Can I take anything?

WeeMrsH profile image
24 Replies

Almost 8 weeks pregnant. I swear my hayfever is worse than it ever was! I know I can’t take anti-histamine tablets. What about nasal sprays, are those safe in pregnancy? Is anyone else suffering the same way? I could ring midwife but it seems like a minor thing to be bothering them with when they’re busy enough.

Thanks in advance x

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WeeMrsH profile image
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24 Replies
Hollibob profile image

I wouldn’t think nasal sprays would be very good at this stage..

See if you can source some honey that is produced near to your house... near us, the local post office sells it and it is made a few roads away..

There’s a balm you can use..will send you an image on messages.

lianm8 profile image

I was reading up about natural remedies when I had a sinus infection and found a site that said Cyclizine is used to treat nausea in pregnancy but it’s actually an antihistamine - my friend who is also pregnant suffers badly so sent to her! Think you can get it prescribed by doctors xx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Wee MrsH. Oh dear, not nice! The common “non-drowsy” hay fever anti-histamines are usually OK to take. There is an ointment which you can get from health food stores, which is completely organic and harmless. It is just a cream that you put up your nostrils to catch pollen etc and I believe it works well. Sorry can't mention names of products, but you will find them, I'm sure. If you're really poorly, then speak to your GP, but you may get prescribed something that makes you drowsy. Try "Hollibob's" suggestion about honey produced from your own area. Good luck! Diane

Mrsh123 profile image

Hi. I’ve been the same struggling so much. I asked pharmacist and he said I could use these which have helped :-

Boots - allergy barrier nasal spray.

Haymax aloe Vera - from boots. Run a small amount around rim of nostril.

Both said can be used in pregnancy

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to Mrsh123

Thanks! I swear it’s worse maybe with over-active immune reaction. I’ll try the balm as that’s been mentioned a few times. Prevention better than cure and all that!

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to WeeMrsH

There’s a thing called pregnancy rhinitis as well apparently- maybe you’ve got that too?

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

There’s could be some truth to this - I think I’ve got a non-hayfever reaction too as woke with symptoms at 4am. Think Im also developing virus/cold (very sore throat). Honey and lemon it is!! Think lower immune/sensitivities heightened at the mo xx

I heard somewhere that you should deliberately sting yourself with nettles once a week and your hay fever symptoms will reduce!!! 😂 not desperate enough to try it... yet...

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Can’t say it’s got that bad...yet! I’ll keep it in mind 😂

Sez73 profile image

Sorry to hear you’re suffering love, hayfever is horrid, I can sympathise while I sit here rubbing my red itchy eyes!! Not sure of things u can safely take when pregnant but I do know to try and stay clear of strawberries and tomatoes! Don’t ask me why but an Aussie naturopath once recommended that to me as they can trigger histamine release. Vitamin C is a good anti-histamine apparently. Also, I know you have endometriosis and I’d read a lot in the past about potential links there interestingly. None proven but high oestrogen levels are often seen hand in hand with high histamine levels, histamine stimulates production of more histamine and in turn histamine lowers the enzyme you need to clear the histamine so it’s a vicious circle!! I guess when you’re pregnant you have higher oestrogen levels etc so they may cause more of a flare up perhaps? I get a lot more sinus issues/allergies when my endometriosis is bad at times of high oestrogen eg ovulation so there may be some links going on with hormones etc. It’s a mine field!!

I hope you get something which can help you. Keep your shades on!! 😎xx

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to Sez73

Wow that’s really interesting about the possible endo/Estrogen link! Makes sense. I think I’m having a general allergy reaction - non-hayfever - too as woke with itchy throat, sneezing and sore eyes at 4am! No pollen in our bedroom that I’m aware of 😂 think it’s all a bit heightened at the mo. xx

Sez73 profile image
Sez73 in reply to WeeMrsH

Yes it’s interesting as there are so many links established yet still no doctor can get their head around why Endo happens, I give up!! My Aussie naturopath had been v interested in it all and apparently it’s seen a lot that women with very severe Endo can be histamine intolerant and not able to clear it so well, there’s been studies that show a lot more histamine in the follicular fluid of people with Endo too, it’s fascinating but still doesn’t help the cause when all of us have to fight on with this illness as there’s never any concrete evidence or help, suffice to say I tried diets etc to get histamine under control and I didn’t notice any big change to my Endo then again I’m not v good at sticking to rigid diets, I’ve got to have my treats to get me through the infertility/Endo hell!! 🍪 🍰

I’ve heard a lot about the link with oestrogen thou but then I’ve also heard you’re not supposed to suffer so badly when pregnant too so it’s a v topsy turvy world which I’ve given up making sense of!!! I hope you can get on top of it, strangely my hayfever stopped completely after a year I moved to Oz but having come back here to the UK this summer it’s kicked off again. Flippin pollen! I hope u manage to get something which helps. In the meantime I prescribe ice cream, sunglasses and feet up as the only way forward!! 😘

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to Sez73

I like your prescription Sez!!! 🙌🏼😘😘

Sez73 profile image
Sez73 in reply to WeeMrsH

I feel it’s the best way to go love, I know it’ll be tough on that sun lounger but you’re such a trouper you can do it!! 😎😘

I have read by eating local honey is effective natural defence against hay fever as it has the bees use local pollen. Definitely worth trying! Personally I am not sure whether it would be safe to use medication at this early point if the pregnancy but you can always ask your GP if you are really suffering.

My hubby suffers badly so can really emphasise over hay fever; he was sent home from work early a few weeks ago as his eyes had puffed right up ; they did get it down but they didn’t think he could work like that! It was awful he had a black eye it looked like he looked someone had punched him 😳

I hope it eases up soon and you feel better xoxo

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to

I’m just going to try the barrier balm. Not risking anything at all medicated (even nasal) at this point x

in reply to WeeMrsH

I don’t blame you I wouldn’t either. Hope it eases soon xoxo

LHow81 profile image

I don’t remember which ones I was prescribed but I was given antihistamine for my obstetrics cholestasis so I’d assume they’re safe. I’d think the pharmacist would be able to give you advice though x

dmccmky profile image

My doc told me piriton was safe to use in pregnancy if I didn't take it I actually couldn't get out of bed for sneezing and itchy ears runny nose etc x

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to dmccmky

I forgot about the itchy ears. Aargh! Thanks I might look to that if the barrier balm doesn’t work x

saraht23 profile image

Probably best to start with one of the barrier nasal sprays such as prevalin, doesn’t actually absorb into your blood stream but forms a barrier on the inside of your nose to stop the pollen coming into contact with the mucosa. Some people do use steroid nasal sprays as you get minimal absorption into the blood stream, but these can take up to two weeks to reach full effectiveness and also haven’t really been tested in pregnancy, although considered to be minimal harm.

With regards eye drops, if you do use them, go for one containing sodium cromoglicate. The important thing with these is that once you’ve put the eye drop in, apply firm pressure to the corner of your eye where your tear duct is using a clean finger, this helps to reduce the absorption into the body and minimises potential for the baby being exposed.

Hope this all helps, I am a pharmacist by the way so not just random guess work x

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to saraht23

This is really helpful, thank you Saraht23 xx

Hopeful1982 profile image

It’s definitely worth speaking to your GP. I had an allergic reaction during pregnancy and was told they could prescribe me an antihistamine. In the end I didn’t take it (I was too anxious!), but you might be able to get something!

Hope you’re keeping well x

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to Hopeful1982

Thank you! I think I am going to sit it out just using the barrier balm, at least until after 14 weeks and if it’s really bad consider taking something then - but rather not chance it now! xx

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