5 weeks 5 days...panic has set in. - Fertility Network UK

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5 weeks 5 days...panic has set in.

Rachwithers profile image
30 Replies

This is when it all went wrong last time and I am panicking. Panicking because I woke up for the first day today and not been crampy. Panicking because I don’t feel any different than just my boobs being a bit sore and feeling a bit tired. Panicking because I’m waiting for this all to go wrong.

Any words of advice? X

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Rachwithers profile image
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30 Replies
emu2016 profile image

Ahhh Rachael. You are so a week behind me in thoughts too! I just want some symptoms... and I don’t have any! But tonnes of ladies are going to comment on this telling you not to worry. Don’t worry about not being crampy. I carried on with the cramps and then started spotting and bleeding. Keep strong. How many days to your scan? It’s such a hard wait. But it’ll pass.

As long as you’re feeling ok; you’re still in lovely lady. Panicking is normal x

Rachwithers profile image
Rachwithers in reply to emu2016

17 more days!! This is so much harder than the 2ww! 😫 when’s yours? Tempted to pay for an early scan... oh gosh, bless you. We can do this, loads of women don’t even know they’re pregnant as they have no symptoms and they go onto have healthy pregnancies and babies. Xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Rachwithers

Monday. I’ll be 6w6d. Scan was meant to be Tuesday or Weds - but pulled it forward. You’ll be 7 weeks and 4 days then? Gosh that does feel long. This is the worst wait. For sure!! x

Rachwithers profile image
Rachwithers in reply to emu2016

Oh well done you! My clinic didn’t have any until the 27th...no I’ll be 8w1d!!! 😬😫😳 wishing you every luck for tomorrow!! Xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Rachwithers

Ouch! 🙈🙈🙈

Rachwithers profile image
Rachwithers in reply to emu2016

Scans now been bought forward to next wed! So relieved! Glad yesterday went well lovely xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Rachwithers

Thank goodness! That’s a much better wait! Did you ask? x

Rachwithers profile image
Rachwithers in reply to emu2016

Yea all our paperwork said a 7 week scan and this wasn’t until 8 weeks so thought it was worth a shot! X

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Rachwithers

Nice work!

Shivvyboom79 profile image

Hi Rachael,

I’m 7 weeks 4 days and I’ve got no symptoms that I can pinpoint.

Just feel tired that’s all.

I can’t give you any advice, all that I can say is as a friend said to me.

She had 3 attempts of Ivf everyone is different and she never got any of the standard symptoms.

She now has a beautiful week old little girl.

Just try not to worry about things and look forward to your scan day. 😘😘

Rachwithers profile image
Rachwithers in reply to Shivvyboom79

Thank you, that is really reassuring. Thinking rationally of course you’re going to have good days and bad days but it’s when that thought starts to take over that it’s all gone wrong again 😔😬 thank you, and congrats on your BFP! When’s your scan? Xx

Shivvyboom79 profile image
Shivvyboom79 in reply to Rachwithers

I had my scan on Thursday and I’ll be completely honest with you.

My attitude on that day and leading up to it has been what will be will be.

I was scared and I’m still scared now. But I’m just getting on with my life and being mindful that I have a little pea in there.

I’ve been told that I’m to have another scan next week due to medication that I’m on for my colitis (which has flared up) also due to my fibroids regrowing even though they were removed 4 years via a myomectomy.

I’m just hoping for the best. 😘😘

WeeMrsH profile image

I can empathise. My last 2 ended around the same time. I felt like I was holding my breathe week 5-6 and then some, until my scan came. Every morning waking up thinking “I’m still pregnant”. (7+3 now!) No words of wisdom really just wanted to say I hear ya! You’ll be all good hon xx

Rachwithers profile image
Rachwithers in reply to WeeMrsH

Congratulations on your pregnancy! My goodness, if you’re anything like me, you’re literally counting he days until it feels ‘safe’? Oh bless you, thank you xx

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to Rachwithers

7+5 now and every day feels like a little win! We have another scan next Tuesday- can’t wait! Do you have a scan soon? Hope you’re doing okay! xx

Rachwithers profile image
Rachwithers in reply to WeeMrsH

Much better now thank you. I’m 6w today and have our first US next wed- I’ll be 7w1d x good luck for your next scan! Xx

Drives profile image

I can't give you any advice I'm afraid but just wanted to say stay strong lovely. You are doing brilliantly 😘

Rachwithers profile image
Rachwithers in reply to Drives

Thank you ♥️

Tugsgirl profile image

Cramps come and go. They won’t be there all the time and probably when you just get used to not having any they’ll be back with a vengeance. As for symptoms my bff has a baby boy and a toddler and never had any, not with either, not even sore boobs. She was just lucky I guess. I know it’s a worrying time and after a loss it’s really hard not to. It’s so unfair really xx

Rachwithers profile image
Rachwithers in reply to Tugsgirl

It is unfair, but worth it if we get our dream come true at the end. Thank you for your reassurance xx

Hi Rach, I know it’s impossible not to worry, I’ve lost 6 pregnancies so I can certainly relate but the only symptom I had was vaguely sore boobs off and on until I got to 8 weeks. I’m now 13 and still haven’t had a single cramp ever so please try not to worry. Symptoms come and go, some disappear but it’s hard to get the brain to think rationally when it’s something so precious. I’ve been having weekly scans for reassurance and bubba is good even on those weeks where i felt absolutely nothing and turned up in tears convinced it was over. Good luck with your pregnancy 😘🙏🏼 You’ll feel better when you’ve had your scan xxx

Rachwithers profile image
Rachwithers in reply to

Oh bless you Natalia, I’m so sorry for your losses. You must be one strong lady! That’s really reassuring thank you! That’s exactly it, once that thought sets in, all rational thinking goes our the window 😬 I’m so pleased for you! Luckily the scans been bought forward to next wed (7w1d) ♥️ thank you xx

in reply to Rachwithers

Not long to wait now huni 🙏🏼😘🤞🏼 Give us an update, excited for you xxx

Lynnr54 profile image

I can sympathise. I’m feeling exactly the same. 5 +1 today and scared stiff. I’m past the point it went wrong last time but it doesn’t make it any easier. My scan is the same day as yours so roll on 27th! This is so much harder than the 2ww! x

Rachwithers profile image
Rachwithers in reply to Lynnr54

In all my paperwork from my clinic it says we have a 7 and a 9 week scan but we wouldn’t have had our first one until I was 8 weeks. I called them today, and they said that someone had worked out the dates wrong, and so they’ve bought it forward a week! 🙏🏼 can your clinic do the same? Xx

Lynnr54 profile image
Lynnr54 in reply to Rachwithers

I’ll be 7+3 on my scan date. They won’t scan until 7 weeks and said they don’t have any earlier ones that week. It’s “only” an extra couple of days so I just have to hang on in there. Great that you’ve managed to bring yours forward by a week. Good luck! x

Jenjen84 profile image

Oh no, I can totally relate to what your going through.. I’m 6 + 2 today and the only thing ive got to show for it is sore boobs and a few really crampy days (which are torture if I’m honest!!)... Plus I’m tired (but that’s no different from the ordinary).. it’s crazy how I just want to feel like proper rubbish to beleive that this is really happening!!

I’ve just tried to fill my days up with things that make me happy to try and take my mind off of it.. Baking a cake, going for a walk, reading a book, sorting the kitchen cupboards out.. Its kind of worked as I’m now half way through the wait! I would say that if 8 wks is too long for you to wait, considering your last pregnancy, see if you can get one privately but if you don’t decide to do that, at least 8 wks will show if it’s definitely got a heart beat or not.. Really best of luck to you xxxx

Rachwithers profile image
Rachwithers in reply to Jenjen84

Thank you for your advice! Clinic called and I was meant to have my first scan at 7 weeks not 8, so they’ve bought it forward a week! 🙏🏼 xx

Wishfully profile image

This bit is tough, I agree! I found it helped to write my symptoms down each day, no matter how minor. That way when I was having a wobble and / or it felt like time was standing still, I could look at the list & say “yep, definitely still pregnant & look how far you’ve come”.

8 weeks 1 day is a long time to wait for a scan. Personally I’d be inclined to fork out for a private scan at around 6.5 weeks. I know it varies depending on the area, but I was surprised to see that these were only £50 at my local hospital. I’d definitely pay that in exchange for peace of mind.

Sending you big hugs & lots of luck xxx

Rachwithers profile image
Rachwithers in reply to Wishfully

That’s a good idea, thanks lovely! I called the clinic today and told them I didn’t have a scan until 8 weeks when all the paperwork says 7 and they said that someone has worked out the dates wrong and they’ve bought it forward to next wed! So relived! 🙏🏼 zz

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