The Swansea fertility group will meet again next week on Tuesday 5th June..
If you have any questions or concerns about treatment, referral pathways or funding then this will be a good opportunity to go through things; or if you are struggling with the emotional impact and just want to talk, then it could really help.
If you have never been before then why not give it a go? The group is very friendly, open to anyone affected by fertility issues (individuals and couples) and provides the opportunity to get together and offer each other peer support. Meetings are very informal and welcoming and provide a space to speak to others who really understand what you may be going through.
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Room G8, Canolfan Gorseinon Centre, Millers Drive, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4QN *
* Plenty of free parking is available just outside the centre. Room G8 is just to the left of the foyer.