I’ve currently been taking Esmya to shrink my fibroid. I’m down to my last weeks worth after 3 months. I’ve just read online that it’s been recalled in the uk due to causing liver damage. That women are meant to be called back monthly for a liver function test ‘ this is the first I’ve heard. No one has contacted me ! My dr has prescribed it as normal. It’s also resulted in some patients having liver transplants. I’m really worried now. Can anyone shed light on this ?
Worried :( Esmya : I’ve currently been... - Fertility Network UK
Worried :( Esmya

I took Esyma and haven’t heard of this news? Will check it out thanks for letting me know! I took it for 5 months
Hi I just read online - this is if your currently taking it - you should have liver tests. If you have finished a course then you should be ok, but may not be prescribed more. If you exhibit liver damage symptoms when taking it then would need seek medical help. I would go to your docs and ask them to check your transaminase levels - just in case. I haven’t taken it for a year. So I guess I shouldn’t need to worry about it.
Thank you I’ve been trying to research success with Esmya and it came up saying that it’s been recalled. I’ve got my scan Wednesday to see if it’s shrank. I’m so worried that it hasn’t ! I really need to get rid of this fibroid before my next round in the summer 😩 did you have success if you don’t mind me asking xxxx
My fibriod was 7cm - previously had a myomectomy to get rid of one. But it grew back since having Esyma it is 4cm and below. So it worked for me. I took it for 5 months. No negative side effects. Aside from making me tired and having pain pangs. But I do think as a result my surgery (them going into my uterine cavity and the scar tissue) I unfortunately developed endometriosis. Which I now need to get treated. I am currently undergoing IVF. If your liver can be monitored every month and the safety profile is relatively ok then speak with your doctor if you can continue to take it. Have a serious conversation with your care provider and ensure you address any concerns.
My consultant is reluctant to perform surgery of any kind, i do question whether I have endo, they haven’t mentioned it. However when i had a procedure ( camera inside uterus ) sorry I can’t remember the name, my gynae dr seemed to think that my uterus looked ok and that the fibroid didnt appear to be making much difference I’m so confused. But no biopsy was taken to rule out endo. I had 3 failed ivf transfers with good 5 day blasts. I still have no idea why it hasn’t worked or we were just unlucky! All the best for your treatment, it’s such a long stressful process 💕 all the best to you xxx
If your not mid-cycle take serrapeptase it works wonders, if they did a lap and found no endo it probably means you don’t have it. Get your bloods checked my inflammatory markers have always been up. Have pregnancare daily. Eat right and exercise. It’s my plan after this cycle. I am going to try to have lots of anti inflammatory stuff - turmeric tablets and foods. It’s the worst really it’s hard enough to find a partner and then having to go through all of this. I wish you the best on your journey. I have read it takes a while on ivf - don’t give up hope xx
Thank you Il definitely look into that, since Christmas I’ve lost nearly a stone and focusing on my health, giving caffeine the kick and just generally looking after my mental health ! The worst thing about all this is, we are having ivf due to my partners condition, but the fibroid problem is a result of the ivf meds and making it grow ! It’s just a nightmare, we’ve ended up wit more problems than we’ve started with. Hopefully 2018 will be a better year for us xx
Suggest going veggie if you can if not go organic especially on the meat / chicken. They pump it so full of hormones and mimics estrogen in our bodies. Really good call on the caffeine. Sometimes I think that is a major contributor to all my problems. Come menopause I will probably drink coffee by the bucket. But right now I have left it completely. I hope you don’t have endo! I have that and fibroids and possibly adenomyosis too but was told not to worry about that too much. My uterus clearly hates me. Regret not getting pregnant in my twenties but only been married for less than two years!! It’s so hard. Wishing you lots of luck and baby dust. Hope your having ICSI due to partners condition. We are having it as hubby soldiers are a bit over keen! I had a polynuclei egg in my first cycle. Due to my condition can only have natural modified ivf. Fingers crossed and lots of prayers and well wishes to you 😘😘😘 my mantra is never give up! It hasn’t failed me so far x
Hi, I am sorry to hear that your gp did not inform you about this issue. I took esmya recently and received a letter from my consultant to inform me about this issue. They said it was a Precaution. They said that the problem was rare. They did a blood test to reassure me and told me that my liver was fine. Maybe you should ask for a blood test too? I wish you all the best xx