Decided to do an HPT this morning and it was negative. Although I had a feeling it hadn't worked, there's always that part of you that has hope. I'm heartbroken. In on Monday for blood tests, but at least I have a couple of days to mentally prepare myself for the results now I know what they're going to be. Don't know how many more times I can put myself through this, you just feel like why me? What am I doing wrong?
11dp5dt BFN: Decided to do an HPT this... - Fertility Network UK
11dp5dt BFN
I know exactly how you feel, the only thing I can say is you’re not alone, there’s a lot of us feeling exactly the same. I often just want to give up and stop trying and move on but I can’t so every month i try, every month I fail and every month I dispair and want to quit... but if you give up you’ll never get what you want so you have to keep living it. Stay strong, stay positive and see what happens, there’s nothing else you can do!
I’m so sorry this is so dam hard. No words but justvkooknafter yourself xxxx ❤️
Yeah, I have been through this all. The negatives give you a massive heartbreak when you are TTC and you are past couple of days of AF. These HPT plays with your head until they show you BFN. People like me who are TTC for 7 years with no luck. However, experienced 3 MC's. Every time HPT showed a faint positive, but 2 days after it starts to bleed. Have you considered going to fertility doctor? Your partner must be checked for any infertility triggers. Male infertility is a fact. This would help you to know the real cause of not conceiving.There could be many reasons, and there are chances of treatment. Because women tend to experience low ovarian reserve with age or AMH level. Take lost of rest, don't stress, eat healthily. It is advised that three months before TTC you must check your carbs, limit sugar, caffeine, quit smoking, and excessive drinking. Eating healthy enhances the chances of conceiving. You can see a nutritionist for a diet plan according to your BMI, age and blood group.Explore your options and chose what suits your needs. Don't grief, you will get a BFP soon by managing your certain health issues. Best wishes!!
We are having IVF (ICSI) that's why I've had a frozen egg transfer. It's our fourth attempt. We have virtually zero chance of conceiving naturally due to DH having low sperm count, motility and morphology issues.
I see... then have you considered surrogacy on donor eggs? This will allow you to have your own biological child. I know... it's hard. But when there is a will there is a way..!! You can consider your options. You can research surrogacy over many youtube channels where you will find loads of surrogacy cases and the accounts of intended parents. They really motivate you towards it. And you can learn from their perspective about how blessed they feel choosing surrogacy as their last resort.