Hi lovely People, has anyone taken prednisolone and had any side effects? I am so scared about putting on weight. I have a wedding next month and I may be taking the tablets at the same time. I know it sounds silly but I really don't want to put on weight and feel fat around people that have been bugging me about when I am going to have a baby. X
effects of prednisolone: Hi lovely... - Fertility Network UK
effects of prednisolone

I am taking prednisalone at the moment (9dp5dt) and took it last FET with my little girl. I’m sorry to say but I did put on a bit of weight with it, with my daughter I put on just over three stone and gained quite a bit at the beginning which I think was down to the steroids. I just kept reminding myself why I was taking them and that the weight gain would be worth it! I lost most my weight quickly after she was born.
I also had to wean off them slowly as I got severe headaches so just don’t come off them straight away you will need to do it slowly xxx
Hey hun thank you for your reply. Did you put weight on straight away? Or the 3 stone gradually over the 12 weeks? I don't want to sound ungrateful and I am happy that they are being prescribed to me but the wedding will be either before the 2 week wait or during the 2 week wait. I hope this cycle brings you a buba aswell xxx
Oh the three stone was over the whole pregnancy - but I would say I put on nearly a stone and a half in the first 12 weeks I was then weaned off slightly after I got to 12 weeks so the weight gain slowed down to a normal rate I think 😂
I did eat a lot they just make me so hungry and all I wanted was carbs! I’m starving constantly now but I’m trying to have fruit etc rather than crisps and chocolate! I can’t cope with putting the same weight on this time as get married next year so going to try to keep it under control- easier said than done! Xxx
Thank Hun!! That's makes me feel alot better! For a minute there I thought you put 3 stone straight after taking the tablets lol. I reckon I should be ok if I eat healthy and no carbs etc. I went down my down regulating scan today (started my period yesterday) and I am due for another scan next Friday when I can hopefully take my estradiol tablets. So I am guessing transfer for should be in about 3 weeks or just under.x

Hi NDE1987. Just wanted to wish you well when you take the prednisolone. Unfortunately, they can make you feel very hungry, so you will need to be very strict with yourself and make sure you stick to a healthy diet. Not always easy, I know. Usually you are only on a low dose of the drug, so fingers crossed you will cope well with them. Good luck! Diane
Thank you Diane as always. I defo will be sticking to a healthy diet as I can't afford to put on weight!! Having all this medication over the years makes me look like like I have a muffin top lol x
You should be OK. Some walking and/or swimming will help too. No vigorous exercising for now. Diane
Thanks Diane, is the cross trainer and yoga and running on the treadmill ok? X
Yes, but don't go too mad! Diane xx
Thank you very much. Also I went for my scan today having been on bruselin for the last 7 days and they said I have a cycst that looks like it's got blood fluid in it. They want to rescan me next Friday, does this sound ok? I started my period yesterday x
Hi NDE1987.
I had no side effects from it. I can’t comment on the weight issue- as I was pregnant when taking them.
Hopefully someone here will be able to advise you.
All the best hope these bring you your much deserved baby 🌈
Hello lovely! Long time no speak. How are you getting on? Thank you for replying back! I hope it's the same for me to. I don't mind putting weight on if I knew I was preggers lol. X
It has been a while 😊 I have missed talking with you lovely 😊
I’m good thanks. I’m due to have my surgery in two weeks today- had a tough time of it since my miscarriage- thank god my fertility doctor has been supportive and he referred me to a gynae. I’ve booked to see him 6 days post surgery hopefully I’ll be able to make it! Trying is on hold till then.
How is everything your end? I hope things are going well 💗 xoxo

That's good that there taking notice hun. Poor you having to have surgery again your a strong lady!!! X
Aww thanks hun. I’m lucky I have a supportive fertility doctor he’s been very proactive 😊 hopefully this surgery will bring us closer towards having a baby 😊definitely worth it 💞
What’s the latest with you? xoxo
I don't remember any specific side effects..I did out weight on but I ate loads on my last cycle zxx