Hi, did anyone suffer from bloating & digestion issues after they started taking DHEA supplements? I have only been taking it for one day and I feel like I am about to burst. Also how long do you need to be on DHEA before starting IVF?
Side effects of DHEA: Hi, did anyone... - Fertility Network UK
Side effects of DHEA

Have you consulted your clinic about taking it? I only ask as I self prescribed and had LOADS of horrible side effects that took months to fix so wouldn’t recommend taking it just because everyone on here recommends it x

Yes, sorry forgot to say it was prescribed by my clinic.
Hi. I’ve been taking it for 2 and a half weeks so far. I’ve not had those symptoms, but I’ve had the odd headache which I think may be related. My clinic said they’d like me to be taking it for around 3 months before starting x

Thank you for replying. I really appreciate your response. Praying that you get your BFP!♥️
I was taking it for about 5 months during our whole treatment. I researched side affects before I started taking it, because my doctor alerted me about hairloss and acne as the main typical side effects. What I ended up reading was that different people reacted differently, so I gave it a go and personally experienced a bit of acne, which did not bother me. I also read that for effect in fertility treatment 3 months+ of taking it might have the best effect, but at was also told repeatedly that results of reseach in the area is still inconclusive. Good luck on your journey.
Thank you so much for your response. Xx
Hi. I personally didn’t have any side effects but only took two tablets a day not the usual 3 (75mg). Could you start with one a day for a few days and then slowly increase? That way you know if the medication is causing any side effects. Good luck x
Hi, I've been taking it since the start of July, to see if it helps us in our last cycle (currently a few days into the stims). My consultant told me he couldn't advocate for it properly, as it - like most things in IVF!- has a shaky evidence base. But anecdotally he said he has seen really good results for women my age (40) with DOR from taking it. So I thought, why not? I did get my level checked with medichecks after a couple of weeks though, to see where I was. The goal, as I understood it anyway, is to get your levels up to those of a young woman (i.e. not to aim for the norm for your age). But if you go too high, it can impact on other hormone pathways, so I opted to have a low-ish dose - usually 50 per day for the first 2 months, then down to 25 these past few weeks (as I was getting to the top of the desirable level). Symptoms-wise, some acne, defo, but nothing else really. However, it can play havoc with some people I think, so best approached with caution. I'll find out soon if it has done any good at all 🙄😪 xx