Hi everyone
Just wondering if anyone is/has been in a similar situation to us. We were lucky enough to have a son in 2015 after around 9 months of TTC. We have been TTC again for around 13 months now. We had a fertility check at a private clinic today (was told nothing would be offered on NHS for at least 3 years after starting TTC). All was fine with my husband. My bloods and scan indicate polycystic ovaries if not the actual syndrome and we were told that this would explain my irregular periods too. We have been advised to have an HyCoSy test and if all ok can start on Clomid with scans after that to be able to advise on when we should be TTC each cycle (the package we have been offered is for 3 cycles). I’ve also been advised to take Inofolic to see if that can help regulate things a bit. Is there anyone who is having/has had similar experiences? Would love to hear from you if so. Thanks in advance 😃