This is my first post so apologies that I'm probably writing what many people have written before me but I'm feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed.
After ttc for 1 year and finding out that dh has a very low sperm count (not sure of stats, just that we've been told it's pretty much impossible for it to happen naturally), we have been referred for our first appointment at the Princess Anne in Southampton in August. I would assume that this first meeting will be to discuss our options and possibly have more tests done but if anyone is able to give us more of an idea of what to expect that would be really helpful.
Has anyone else been in the same situation of low sperm count and therefore know what options we're likely to be offered, e.g. ICSI or possibly 'mild' IVF? Also, is anyone else from this same CCG and can say how many rounds they were offered?
It's all very daunting and the waiting is very tiring. I can only imagine what it's like for those of you who have been going through this for years, my heart goes out to you.
Any words of experience would be most appreciated. Thanks