Hi Everyone, sorry been a bit quiet on here after my first failed IVF cycle. Been to our debrief appointment a week ago armed with lots of questions, and the advice from consultant is they wouldn't change a thing about the cycle as responded very well and advised to start again straight away. Only concern was embryo quality but she said no science or medication will help that. She told us that the clinic had finance available and signed us up straight away. Unfortunately when talking to the finance department they don't and never have done credit and apologised for the "new" consultant who told us this. Unfortunately I've now had to cancel this cycle as we don't have the money at the moment. Not going to lie.... I'm gutted. Felt like another punch to this already horrible situation.
Feeling really angry about the CCG, how is it fair that if I lived 15 miles up the road I'd get my 2nd round free with the NHS!?!
Anyway I've done what all us ladies do so well.... Sucked it up and started thinking of different options.
So I've seen about "Access to fertility" has anyone used this before with a clinic? I'm intrigued about what their criteria is for giving you the money back and being accepted on the scheme? Doesn't really say a lot on the website just says you will be assessed by a doctor.
I'm going to have to try and get a loan and borrow from all sources to pay for my next cycle, so this "guaranteed baby or money back" does seem an attractive option.
I'm not going to lie I'm so scared about how I'll react if round two isn't successful. Xx