I said I’d keep posting on our naturally modified ivf round (this is round 3 for us after 2x max dose nhs rounds)
It’s such a breeze being on this gentle stimulation, so far all I have had is 5 tamoxifen tablets and 2 injections of 150iu bemfola.
At my first follicle scan on Tuesday, my body had chosen two to grow (that’s the point of modified natural - aim to grow just the ones naturally selected with a little bit of help from low dose stims). They were measuring at 12.5 and 14.5mm, one was behind at 8 and the rest all doing nothing (this is normal!) and that was after only 2 tamoxifen and one bemfola. Next scan is tomorrow which is 2 days after the last. Consultant thinks I’ll be due egg collection sat or sun. He said also to be prepared to have a Scan on Friday in case tomorrow I’m “close but not quite there yet”. All lots of fun when it’s 1.5 hours away and it’s snowing all week!
I’m having to do ovulation strips 3x a day to make sure ovulation isn’t approaching - this thought terrifies me! And it’s so bizzarre not injecting cetrotide and just relying on opks!
I have this ridiculous fear that my follicles will get too big or I will burst them or they will disappear, so actually dying for good news tomorrow, that there are still two there, maybe even a third of the smaller caught up a little.
Hoping overall that as a best case scenario I get two eggs, I’ll be happy with one, and desperately hoping we don’t get none!
Will update after the scan, terrified it will all have gone wrong! 🤞🏼