Implantation Day... 2WW and more worr... - Fertility Network UK

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Implantation Day... 2WW and more worries!

SMoon84 profile image
27 Replies

Hi.. so today was implantation day, after being told we had 5 good embryos on Saturday went to the hospital and 4 had deteriorated over the weekend and we were left with our one perfect baby 🙂

Initially I was very upset that we didn’t have any to freeze.. but the fact that we had this one I guess makes it even more special.

Currently relaxing in bed watching awful day time tv!

I feel like if I walk or bend I may hurt the ‘baby’...

Has anyone any tips for getting through the dreaded 2 week wait?

Also my boss has asked if I can work abroad next week.. only over to Ireland but nervous about flying.. will this be harmful? Xxx

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SMoon84 profile image
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27 Replies
oharal profile image

Hello, its strongly advised not to "bedrest" (except day of ET). Its better to make sure you walk around every now and then, eat a healthy diet, try not to feel every single cramp although I fully appreciate this is so hard and just visualise your baby. Flying will also be fine, those people who go abroad for this treatment fly back quickly. They don't like pregnant ladies to fly towards the end just in case you go into labour but you will be fine next week. Good luck for the rest of your 2WW :) I am also on mine and very similar we had 3 other embryos but then we lost them all and only have 1 but I found it special like you! Must be the one that will stick xx

SMoon84 profile image
SMoon84 in reply to oharal

Thank you for your advice. I’m really not sure what’s best. Was so emotional this morning all I felt like doing was curling up in bed and doing nothing.

I’ll try and get out and about tomorrow 🙂

Best of luck with your journey xxx

oharal profile image
oharal in reply to SMoon84 I found this helpful ) xxx

SMoon84 profile image
SMoon84 in reply to oharal

Oh yes! I found this whilst googling everything this morning! The joys of the internet 😉

Thank you xx

Laura_beth profile image


I’m sorry to hear your weekend has been so stressful. You’re right the embryo currently making itself at home must be special and after all you only need one for it to work!

I know exactly what you mean about bending the baby. Leading upto my first cycle I did lots of yoga but stopped after ET as i was terrified of something bad happening, this time round I did the odd stretch but manly listened to my body. Resting when I ached etc

Dont over do it if you’re feeling sore but don’t spend 2 weeks in bed either, they say a little bit of exercise helps the blood flow so aim to walk at least 10mins or so every day. Then only thing I did in the first few days was try and limit how often I went up and down stairs, I’m not sure why but it made me feel better.

Apart from that no tips except eating healthy, lots of protein, pineapple core, avocado, eggs etc we’re all my faves.

As for flying, we already had a little weekend away booked so decided not to cancel it as it was towards the end of the 2ww. Plenty of people fly for treatment and i’ve never seen anywhere saying not too. I think as yours is just a short trip they wont be any harm.

Wishing you lots of luck! Xx

SMoon84 profile image
SMoon84 in reply to Laura_beth

Thank you! It’s so strange because I’ve been told by a lot of non ivf people (accupuncturist.. chiropractor) to just rest.. but maybe I’m taking that too literally lying in bed all day! 🙂

Not going back to work until Thursday so I’ll get out and go for some walks over the next couple of days xxx

Rubinaa profile image


I am now over 5 months pregnant after success of our first ivf, as it was private and I took my time (1 year) to research clinics I am glad I went with who I went with, I was taken through the smallest of details of what to expect and what my do's and don't's were...

On the day of transfer you require a rest of about 3-4 hours after transfer and then can go on as normal avoiding any weight lifts, falls, heavy sneezing, blowing your nose too hard, warm long showers, stairs, and the sun - these are just few things I remember from the top of my head.

I was advised to drink only pure 100% fresh juices, pomegranate (I drank pure pome and pineapple juice) from transfer until 2 months daily. I ate loads of greens and used less oils, I avoided cheese, eggs, some types of nuts (Brazil nuts & few almonds a day are good) I had apples, grapes daily... I ate properly cooked foods and avoided anything potentially containing food flea's.

Go for regular walks if possible (once every 5-6 hours) sit light with less weight on your bottom and more on your shoulders (I thought I looked like a fool when dinning out sitting like this but nothing was more important for me)

I wish you all the best of luck and hope all goes well, I started new Tv series for the 2ww but I gave in on the 6th day and exhausted 9 clearblue tests to then get BFP the next day.

Good luck sweetie 🍀🍀🍀🍀

SMoon84 profile image
SMoon84 in reply to Rubinaa

Thank you for your advice! I don’t know what I would do without this network. I’ve received so much help.

I’ll send the hubby out to get buying the Pom juice!

Wishing u a healthy rest of your pregnancy xxx

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Rubinaa

What are food fleas?

Sharonl75 profile image

Hi-fingers crossed for your 2ww. I’m 4 days into mine and it feels like it’s been dragging!! Although at least I still have hope at the moment!

We had none to freeze either and only had one successfully fertilise which I was upset about as well. But-like you, ive got to believe this little one is a strong one and a fighter! Good luck.x

SMoon84 profile image
SMoon84 in reply to Sharonl75

Best of luck to you! Xxx

Elizabeth86 profile image


I’m in the exact same position, we only had one also none of our others were ‘good enough’ to freeze sadly. Also had transfer Saturday so only 2 days in. A nurse told me when leaving ‘it’s all up to nature now and there is absolutely nothing you can do at this point to change the outcome. It will either implant or it wont’. I personally found that reassuring, I don’t want to worry myself about Pom juice, pineapple, rest or no rest etc and worry if it didn’t work it was somehow my fault. I will eat a balanced and healthy diet, get gentle excercise and have a lot of hope. Always happy for a chat, imagine the next two weeks will be long for us both!! When’s your test date? Xx

SMoon84 profile image
SMoon84 in reply to Elizabeth86

Hi! How are you doing?? Are you feeling ok?My test date is the 26th feb.. how about you? Xxx

Elizabeth86 profile image
Elizabeth86 in reply to SMoon84

I’m ok thanks, I mean the last few weeks hardly feel real but I feel so much more relaxed than last week! The time between retrieval and transfer was super hard for me. How about you? I’m sure whatever your body feels like doing is he best thing for you 😘. Test date is 23rd Feb! So funny how we all get different test dates from the same transfer? Someone else had 22nd.. xxx

SMoon84 profile image
SMoon84 in reply to Elizabeth86

I know. It doesn’t feel like it’s all happened really.

I’m finally starting to deflate! I’ve been like a whale but no signs of OHSS in the scan today so that’s great.

Are you back to work? Xx

Elizabeth86 profile image
Elizabeth86 in reply to SMoon84

😂 me too! I can also sit without the immense pressure! Small victories!

Back to work Wednesday but kind of ready now! Just need some normality and routine. You?xx

SMoon84 profile image
SMoon84 in reply to Elizabeth86

Haha! 🙌🏻 glad we are both passed our lower behind ‘issues’!

Back on Thursday.. hopefully a quiet end to the week as tried to pack as much work in as I could last week! Xx

Elizabeth86 profile image
Elizabeth86 in reply to SMoon84

Good for you working last week, I had the week off and given the amount of naps I had would have struggled to work I think! 😂 hopefully you can enjoy a few days of chills and disco naps now. Fingers crossed at least one of the two weeks goes quickly! Xx

Kempton profile image

Keep busy! Meet friends/family. Laugh. Watch a few great films. Eat nice food. Maybe go back to work in a few days, but just don't do anything too stressful or physically demanding.

My second transfer was much easier (and was successful) and I had a totally different approach than the first time. I kept active and tried to keep my mind off the transfer. I'd really advise you to do the same - the two weeks will go by so much quicker!

SMoon84 profile image
SMoon84 in reply to Kempton

Thank you for the encouraging advice 🙂 xx

Tugsgirl profile image

Gentle excercise daily is recommended for keeping a healthy blood flow to your uterus, nothing too strenuous of course but perhaps some gentle walks every day? As for the flying I’m sure it should be ok during the tww, ladies who have their treatment abroad do it all the time don’t they? Wishing you lots of luck for a bfp xx

SMoon84 profile image
SMoon84 in reply to Tugsgirl

Thank you xx

TTCs profile image

H SMoon84, i just wanted to wish u the best of luck! Im sure that's 1 special embryo you've got there. You seem to have already been given alot of advice above so i wont add to it other than to say drink lots of water :) It is a tortuous wait, be kind to yourself.

Dunla profile image

That was difficult news for you to receive today. Fingers crossed for the little embryo you had transferred today. Very best of luck for a positive outcome 💕xx

KateEdison profile image

Hey there. Congratulations. I am glad to know about you. You are one of the lucky ones. Soon you are gonna feel the happiest feelings of your life. Being pregnant is a blessing and you are blessed. I would suggest you keep calm. Try to have rest and enjoy more of it. Eat healthily and take a lot of care of yourself. Don't forget to have your prenatal vitamins. Moving to your worry, according to me, I guess it will be okay for you to fly in these days. You can work in these days. Near your due date you would be able to and then you will be on maternity leave. So, these days, try to manage both at the same time. Keep yourself relaxed and strong. Best wishes.

SMoon84 profile image
SMoon84 in reply to KateEdison

Thank you xx

clover111 profile image

Hey Smoon, one embryo is just perfect. It should grow into a healthy baby. That embryo is really special for you. Just take care about that. Try to remain happy and satisfied. In that case your embryo will develop into a beautiful baby. its better for you to take more and more rest. Just watch movies. Listen good music. Eat a healthy and delicious food. Try to rest as much as possible.I also had the same routine when i had my IVF done from BioTexCom clinic Ukraine. I stayed there for two weeks. Your boss is sending you on abroad tour. I don't think so that travelling is good for you. Why don't you take a break from your work. Apply for leave and relaxed. All the best.

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