Anyone else got pregnant with having unexplained infertility ? What worked for you? What was found to be the reason it took so long? I need a light at the end of the tunnel?!
Unexplained?!: Anyone else got pregnant... - Fertility Network UK

Hi Sammy Jayne, I know how you feel. Can’t help with your questions but hopefully knowing your not alone is a little helpful too. We have been ttc for 2yrs + with nothing apparently wrong to date. Hope you get some answers soon . I’m new to this forum but it’s really helped me this week . Xx
We also have unexplained and are just coming to the end of our first ivf cycle. It’s the most frustrating thing isn’t it. Not understanding why nothing is happening and everyone else around getting pregnant so easy. I can’t say what worked for me because I’m not pregnant yet. But I do understand how difficult it is for people not to be able to find a reason. You have that hope every month just to be dashed.
It will happen Hun even if you need a bit of help for whatever reason. Xxx
Hi Sammejayne, we have been unexplained for 2,5 years until IVF revealed that my husband has anti-sperm antibodies. I’m still mad that NHS never did this test as knowing this, we might have gone for IVF quicker. The doctors still don’t seem to think that this is a primary cause of our struggle but agreed it would reduce our chances. If I could go back in time, I would have gone privately and had all possible tests done early. Unexplained often means undiagnosed. I hope your partner was checked properly. The immune issues could also cause problems in the female and are often not easy to diagnose. I think it is worth of keep on looking for the cause and IVF can reveal potential issues. I hope you find out what causes your struggle as being unexplained can drive people mad. I feel much calmer now after we found out what make it more difficult for us. Good luck x
My partner already has a daughter so it can’t be him.. I tried with my first partner around 8 years ago an nothing.. x
Things can change for guys overtime too. Have you had laparoscopy?
No I haven’t.. I’ve had an hsg,day 21 bloods, amh/fsh bloods all ok. Only thing they have said is I have PCO but not PCOS as I have a period every 4th sunday so like clockwork x
We have unexplained infertility and had our first IVF cycle in August and I’m currently 21 weeks pregnant! I never got pregnant naturally before we had IVF so can’t really say what made the IVF work but I guess by the time we got to the point of having IVF I was a lot more relaxed and I complexity immersed myself into it I changed my diet and lifestyle and did everything I could to give us the best possible chance of success x
Hi Sammejayne. Our infertility was unexplained. I had numerous tests and they couldn't find anything, although I have a low ovarian reserve.
I think it was around 2 yrs of trying after we approached GP and then we were referred to the clinic. They did all the tests and eventually referred us for ivf.
I got pregnant on my second attempt.
I honestly don't know where I'd be right now if it hadn't worked. My sis used to try and make me look more positively by saying every day was a step closer to starting our family. I didn't always feel so positive though.
If you've started treatment / testing just think that you are closer to your dream. Hope it all works out for you!
I was classed as unexplained. I do have PCOS but mild and doesn’t affect anything as I was ovulating x

How did they confirm pcos if u ovulated? I was told it’s only if u have irregular periods x
I had slightly raised testosterone and then had a scan to confirm it. I do have irregular periods as well x

My periods are literally every 4th Sunday I couldn’t be more punctual lol but it don’t help! Xx
It’s so frustrating not knowing the reason but I’m not sure having a reason sometimes is good either x
Yep I did! 2 failed rounds of IVF and the month after the second failure I fell pregnant naturally. It’s the most annoying cliche in the world but I had basically given up, stopped thinking about it, and that’s when it happened. I did make a few lifestyle changes - dropped some hours at work, did yoga and acupuncture and took courses to manage my anxiety. I’m such a worrier and I think my mind had such an effect on conceiving. I know it’s super frustrating, especially when they can’t find anything to actually treat, but I drew comfort from the thought that if they couldn’t find anything wrong, it would happen eventually. Fingers and toes crossed for you xx
My cycle is like clock work. TTC had all the tests like you and nothing. 2 rounds of IVF and both ended in MC. Had a laparoscopy in Sept and found to have extensive Endo around my tubes and left ovary. I would defo try and ask to have a lap. You don't always have to have the common side effects for Endo I'm proof of that xx
Would I have to pay for this? Is this something you can get on the nhs?x
Hi lovely 😊
Ours was unexplained for nearly 6 years- long story cut short I havd endometriosis and once it was found and treated we fell but I miscarried 😭💔 Since my miscarriage my symptoms are back and I’m awaiting further surgery ( laparoscopy & hysteroscopy, biopsy and removal of endometriosis if found)
If I’d listened to my first fertility doctor I’d have had IVF which would’ve failed. Makes me cross that women aren’t properly investigated 😡😡😡
I would push for a laparoscopy to check for endometriosis as it rarely shows on scans. Endo can affect fertility- definitely worth ruling out. Also push for a hysteroscopy to look closer into your uterus for any abnormalities.
Hope you get answers as it’s so stressful and frustrating not having a “proper reason “ for ig not happening. xoxo

I’ve had an hsg but not a laparoscopy, does the lap get done on nhs?x
Yeah mine was it was via mh fertility consultant.
I have lots of gynae issues which my consultant believed was PCO for which he prescribed clomid- I took it for 4 months and had a bad reaction. Literally I had chronic pain and my fertility doctor gave me a choice- either hsg ( I’d had one a few years prior) Lap n dye ( to check tubes, drill ovaries and check /treat endometriosis) or private ivf ( we can’t get funded) we chose laparoscopy- best decision we made- we discovered our infertility was me having endometriosis and we conceived- first time in 6 years of trying but I lost the baby.
I can give you a list of symptoms that I had/have again ( sure endo is back and so Is gynae hence another laparoscopy) xoxo

Yes please xx
Brown spotting prior period.
Heavy periods with huge blood clots - causing flooding and anaemia.
Period pain so bad bed bound every month and hubby looks after me.
Periods starting and stopping- sometimes a day long other times 7 days of bleeding.
Inserting tampons painful.
Painful urination during period.
Spotting and severe cramping between cycles.
Pelvic pain mostly lower left and sometimes right side most days.
Bowel changes during periods- upset stomach to constipation. Really bad.
Blood from back passage whilst on period.
Severe fatigue.
Unexplained weight loss.
Extreme pain during pelvic examination or scan.
Hope this helps coco

See I don’t have any of that.. my periods are quite light.. but also quite dark.. that’s all xx
Hi Sammejayne,
We had been trying for nearly 5 years with unexplained infertility and we now have a little girl 🎀
Unfortunately there’s no ‘reason’ or answers as to why it took so long.
Our first cycle seemed to go well but the embryos didn’t stick ☹️ Our second round wasn’t great as my body didn’t respond to the meds. My clinic decided to cancel the IVF and revert to IUI (so that we could get another funded cycle of IVF through the nhs). Not for one second did we think IUI would work (our clinic didn’t seem too positive either) but it did!
I did have acupuncture during the second round so not sure if that played any part in it.
It’s such a difficult thing to go through 💛 x