Confused?🤔: Hoping you lovely ladies... - Fertility Network UK

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Missb17 profile image
18 Replies

Hoping you lovely ladies can help me out here ☺

Just had our day 2 call to say 13 of our embryos are progressing nicely and are really good quality, grade -2 and above.

I have been provisionally booked in tomorrow morning for a 3day transfer where they will transfer only one embryo due to the good quality.

The embryologyst advised we would need to make a decision tomorrow on whether to carry on to day 5 or not, as there is a small chance we could lose everything, but our chances drop by one third if we only transfer a 3 day embryo

What do we do 😣

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Missb17 profile image
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18 Replies
Cyantist profile image

Do they really drop by a third? Surely the reason 3 day transfers are less successful in general is because a lot of them are ones where the embryos wouldn't have been likely to survive to 5 days.

If your embryos are really good then I wouldn't imagine it will make a huge difference for you.

I wasn't even given a choice! I was told I'd be having a 5 day transfer and it worked. I think it's easier that way because the embryologist is obviously going to know best!

Have the clinic advised you one way or the other?

Coracle profile image

I agree with Cyantist, I think the reason day 3 are less successful, is you don't know which are the good/bad ones that will/won't make it to day5, so generally the advice is to go to day 5 if you can.

The advice to me was if you only have 2 on day 2 or 3, have them transferred, the best place for embryos is in the womb. (I had 2 put back because I was over 40) But if you have several looking good (and you have a large number!!!) then go for day 5. I think with this large a number of embryos there is a very small risk nothing will make it to day5, and then the 'good ones' will have survived, that is why day5 blastocyst transfer is preferred. The goal in my cycles has been getting to blast! Any other good ones can then be frozen.

If you transfer at day 3, having a lot of embryos... you don't know if you're putting a good or not-good one back... then you take the rest to day 5, and then there is the small risks of losing some of those good ones in the freeze/defrost.

If tomorrow you only have one embyro (unlikely) you can put it back, the womb is the best place for it. But if you have 2 or more I would personally go to day5/take your embryologists advice.

best of luck! xx

Coracle profile image
Coracle in reply to Coracle

Also, our embryologists have said, if you 'lose everything' by day 5, those embryos just wouldn't have made it in the womb either. It is just hard for ladies to not have a transfer at all. But I really cannot believe you will have none making it to blast with this many good embryos, but disasters can happen occasionally.

Personally though, I'd much rather go to day 5, knowing I am putting a good one back, and freezing the rest. Our embryologists have said that if you have more than one (or two in my case), go for day 5, as long as you can cope with the possibility of none making it... but then, they most likely would not have made it in the womb either.


Missb17 profile image

Thank you both for explaining it so well ☺

I will speak to hubby later but agree yes as we have a good amount, all good quality that we should wait until day 5, obviously dependant on the embryologists advice tomorrow too.

I feel pretty confident that, with those numbers, our clinic would recommend a five day transfer so they can pick the best looking embie, the only thing is it does cost more to keep them in culture longer if you are self funding.

Will you freeze any that are left?

Missb17 profile image
Missb17 in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

This is our first ivf cycle on NHS so it's not costing us luckily.

I'm going to mention this to them tomorrow, we were hoping to have a couple available for freezing incase we have any further cycles.


Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Missb17

I would ask them tomorrow if they can see any advantage to going for a day 3 transfer based on the most up to date info they have on the embies. That should help you to decide.

Good luck xx

S-Joys profile image

Hey, from my experience I wasn't given the choice. I was told if 4 or more survived to day 3, they'd wait until day five to transfer. So I started with 9 embryos, 6 fertilised, all 6 survived to day 3 so we had an one embryo transfer on day 5 (out of the 6, 3 survived to day 5).

Tugsgirl profile image

I wasn’t given a choice. We were told if they were looking good on day three they would go on to day five. They’re the experts and I’ve always been happy to go along with their recommendations. Good luck with whatever you decide xx

Aleelilook profile image

I wasn’t given a choice either! My clinic will only put back Day 5 blastocysts, which is really hard when we didn’t have anything to put back on our last round, but equally the embryologist said they wouldn’t have survived in the womb anyway. If you until day 5 at least you know you’ve got a good one, but it’s still a hard one! Good luck with whatever you decide xxx

Dunla profile image

Oh no, such a predicament. Lots of excellent advice here already. Just wanted to say very best of luck to you whichever choice you make xx

Missb17 profile image

Thank you everyone, I think as long as everything is still going well tomorrow morning then we will wait until sunday.


Missb17 profile image

Well the hospital called around an hour ago to say we have 14 embryos still progressing (one which hadnt yesterday has now started), with 9 being top grade and another 2 just slightly behind!

They have booked me in for Sunday transfer (5day) but said it could be pushed out to Monday if they think they need a little longer.

Fingers & toes crossed we have a blastocyst on Sunday and some to freeze 🤞🤞


Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Missb17

All sounds really positive 👍🏻 xx

Missb17 profile image
Missb17 in reply to Tugsgirl

Trying not to get our hopes up too much in case something goes wrong.

It's such an emotional rollercoaster isn't it 😔xx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Missb17

It sure is!! xx

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Missb17

This is really good news, everything is boding really well for you x

Violet5451 profile image


It’s a confusing time isn’t it. We had ten fertilised, 4 were going good on day three and they made the decision to go to Day 5. I’m glad it was out of my hands. Only one survived but we have a top quality blastocyst on board. I would trust what the embryologist advises as they are the ones with all the knowledge. I know it’s really hard though and don’t know what I would have done if I had to choose. Both day 3 and day 5 transfers can be successful. I think the advantage of a day 5 is they are able to tell which one is the best and the fittest. It’s a difficult decision but whatever you decide won’t be wrong. Lots of love xxx

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