Urgent injection question...please HELP! - Fertility Network UK

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Urgent injection question...please HELP!

TTCs profile image
21 Replies

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Oh guys i dont know what to do 😓. By chance tonight i looked into the injection bin the hospital provide and have realised that we have done one of the injections wrong. We have done 3 so far and i dont know which night has gone wrong. I am so upset, cant stop crying and dont know what to do. I have rang the out of hours number provided and i am waiting on a consultant ringing me back. Really trying not to blame my husband (he does the injections for me) but he is so confident and thinks he knows what he is doing, when i wanted him to follow the instructions step by step and now this has happened. He is blaming me for wanting to stand up whilst he does the injection. I know placing blame wont get us anywhere so i am really trying not to do that. I am just so scared and upset i have ruined the whole thing?!

Does anyone have any experience of what to do in this situation? I have attached a picture to show the bit that was missed on the injection on the fsr right. The 300 bar should have totally disappeared. You can also see the remaining liquid at the top to give an idea of how much hasnt gone in 😔

Thank you guys 😘

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21 Replies
Vicky35 profile image

Don’t beat yourself up I did exactly the same on my round! It was all ok and made no difference. We still had a good amount of eggs (for me) collected. It’s such a stressful process. I’m embarrassed to admit( but hope it makes you realise how great you and your husband are doing) I’m a Nurse and am used to giving injections to people! 😳

Try not worry xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Vicky35

Thanks so much for you reply. Feel so anxious waiting for consultant to call back so that really helps.

Do you think there is a "best" position to administer the injections? My husband is convinced i need to be lying down as he said he finds it hard to apply enough pressure.

It is so ironic as tonight's injection was quite sore and i bled more than i have done before after he removed it and he thought i was going to be annoyed but i wasnt at all. He thought things had been going so well. Cue half hour later and im crying and freaking out 🙈 xx

I’ve not been on that particular drug but I think you will be fine. You have had the majority of the drug so it will still have been in your system each day. The only thing that might happen is that you might end up on the drug for slightly longer. You definitely should NOT try to make up any difference, just carry on as normal whilst you wait for that call back and rest assured that when you have a scan they will be able to adjust your drugs as necessary (which they do as a matter of course).

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

I didnt realise that, thank you so much. I am totally fine with it being longer. I just thought i had totally ruined it 😰 i had momentarily in my panicked state contemplated just injecting the remainder in but knew i needed to wait and speak to a doctor and also i dont know if it was tonight or one of the other 2 nights we have done it wrong. xx

E_05 profile image

Please don’t beat yourself up or worry about blaming yourself or your hubby - your both doing a great job, my hubby wouldn’t do any of my injections lol

I haven’t been on that drug but I think you’d be fine and if anything just have to stay on them a little longer. Hope you hear back soon x

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to E_05

Thanks so much for your reply. You guys are really helping to reassure me. I know he is a fantastic husband and we have been doing so well since we started this. I just felt like we had literally ruined the whole thing. He is great doing the injections i cant even look at a needle going in but hope by end of this i can!

Staying on sooner is fine by me, just didnt want to have ruined it! Thank you!! Xx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to TTCs

I think it’s only natural to worry when it means so much but I honestly don’t think it’s been ruined at all. Hope you hear back tonight so you can have a relaxed weekend xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to E_05

Thank you my lovely. How are things going for you? X

Lou7744 profile image

Aww... try not to panic! I remember when I knocked the solution bottle over prior to making my injection up and was nearly hyper ventilating that I had ruined everything!! I obviously didn’t, but at the time you are so worried about messing anything up as it’s all new to us xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Lou7744

Oh my goodness you did well to cope. My injections are pre filled pens so i dont have to worry about measuring up thankfully, id be a nervous wreck lol. Well done u! 😘

Krushby89 profile image

Hi, haven’t had this particular injection. But when I was on stims I got mixed up with the injection name, as it was my trigger I only had the one so wanted to refresh my memory by reading the instructions through, I read the wrong one and injected it in my bum cheek when it should’ve been my tummy like usual. It was 11.30pm I couldn’t get through to anyone at hospital so I messaged my cousin who is a nurse but lives in Australia ! 😂 she assured me it would be fine but I couldn’t sleep all night. I thought I’d ruined the whole cycle, but it was fine. My point is - we take on so much that is out of our comfort zone on this journey, mistakes will be made. Try not to beat yourself up - or your husband ! 😂👊🏽

Like everyone said above, they will take it into consideration and tell you what to do to correct it or just carry on as normal, it’s only a tiny bit. Please try not to worry! Xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Krushby89

Ur post made me lol with the 👊 emoji lol. I feel much more reassured with everyone's replies. So glad i have this forum.

Ah it can be so overwhelming cant it!

How is ur fertility journey going for you? Xx

Dunla profile image

You poor thing, I really feel for you. Doing the injections can be so stressful. My husband and I sometimes argued whilst doing them because we were just so worried about getting it wrong. I remember once when he was drawing up the solution from the vial he squeezed it too hard and the whole thing smashed into smithereens all over the place! It’s not easy!

I actually found it easier injecting myself. I did it sitting down at the kitchen table, he’d do the mixing and I’d do the jabbing!

Try not to be too upset, I’m sure this happens all the time. Hoping the consultant gets back to you quickly and has a solution that will set your mind at rest xxx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Dunla

Thank you for your reply :) oh dear im sure that was super stressful! Im glad i dont have to mix mine up!

Me and my husband are the same, we get on so well but handle stress very differently but it's a joint effort with injections. I still cant bring myself to look at the needle but hoping with each one i get more used to it and will build up to trying myself. How is ur fertility journey going? Xx

Dunla profile image
Dunla in reply to TTCs

It’s definitely a team effort ☺️ So glad the consultant has put your mind at rest. You should sleep easy tonight.

I’m on round 5. We have taken the decision to go with DE this time. Hoping for embryo transfer at the end of the month 🤞🏻 x

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Dunla

You absolute Queen, on your 5th round! Well done to u guys! I rly hope it works for you this round! I'm sure that was a tough decision for you but what a wonderful opportunity! xx

Dunla profile image
Dunla in reply to TTCs

Thank you so much, keeping all our fingers and toes crossed as this is our last shot x

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Dunla

Absolutely, i hope the stars align and ur dreams come true. With D.E the odds are in ur favour 😘

TTCs profile image

Thank you guys for all your support. My consultant has now rang me and put my mind at rest. It was my usual consultant that i see at the hospital which i was pleasantly surprised by, he is lovely. He said just to continue as normal with my next injection tomorrow and he will check me at my scan on Wednesday. I felt a bit bad then as he is probably super busy at work or else at home with his family. But you dont know what you dont know I guess. xx

WaywardGirl profile image
WaywardGirl in reply to TTCs

Don’t feel guilty - the out of hours line is there for you and he knows it’s part of the job.

My partner did my injections for me and I found a kind of reclining sitting position was best as he had access from any angle and could pinch the flesh. It is unpleasant, especially as I was in a high dose and some nights had to have 2 injections. Sometimes it hurt more and bled a little bit for seemingly no reason as we’d done everything the same.

Good luck for your EC x

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to WaywardGirl

Thank u for ur kind words and tips! Did you go for thigh or stomach or mixture of the 2? Im scared to do it in my thigh as seems much thicker flesh lol but hubby thinks it will be better. Will try sitting down! Xx

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