Glasgow Royal infirmary first IVF app... - Fertility Network UK

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Glasgow Royal infirmary first IVF appointment..

Jules84 profile image
34 Replies

Hi ladies

I’ve been referred for IVF with PGD at Glasgow Royal Infirmary. I have my first appointment in January and got myself all excited that 2018 was going to be our year (lost two pregnancies in 2017). I’ve done my blood tests to check my egg count in advance of the appointment. However, from what I’ve been reading, this appointment will just put us on another waiting list, is that correct? I thought that was us at the top of the list and we’d now start the process.

Any insight about what will happen next would be great.


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Jules84 profile image
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34 Replies
Dunla profile image

Sorry to hear 2017 has been a difficult year for you.

In my experience there was another waiting list, it was 9 months for NHS treatment at that time. I live in Northern Ireland and that was 4yrs ago. However we were lucky enough to be able to fund a cycle ourselves which meant we could have treatment almost immediately.

Jules84 profile image
Jules84 in reply to Dunla

Thanks for your reply. We did look at funding ourselves but when we got that appointment through we thought our luck had changed, but thinking the waiting list might still be quite long. Will see how the appointment goes x

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Jules84

It’s so expensive once you add on pgd as well... we were quoted a minimum of 11000 which is almost twice what we have paid for a round of ‘normal’ ivf in the past.

Jules84 profile image
Jules84 in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

I couldn’t get my head round the price list but am not surprised it’s that high. Such a gamble, would be different if you were guaranteed a baby 😔

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Jules84


I’m having ivf with PGD in England, don’t think there’s many people on here who need that so it’s good to hear of someone else going through the same. Have you had any ivf before? This is my third cycle but first with PGD. I think waiting lists are quite individual to the hospital but if you’re nhs funded then once you’ve got the funding they have to start treatment within 18 weeks. My funding was fully confirmed at the end of October and I’m staring injections on Xmas day, having met with the genetic counsellor, consultant and nurses as well as having had a phone call from the genetics company who do the testing. We still have to sign our papers in front of people from the clinic but we are doing that over Skype when we are both off work between Xmas and new year.

Feel free to PM me if you’d like more info or just to connect through this process.

Jules84 profile image
Jules84 in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Thank you for coming back to me so quickly. This is all very new for us, never in a million years did we think we were going to have to go through this. We don’t know anyone who has had to go through this either esp with PGD. I’m thinking that there will be another waiting list. Has yours felt quite long? I read about the 18wk turnaround..suppose I’ll need to wait to see what happens at the first appointment.

Good luck with your treatment, I hope it goes well with the injections 😘 xxx

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Jules84

I am going to guess that it won’t be 18 weeks from your first appointment- if they already know you need pgd and have done some tests you might find that you are starting before you know it. Our longest wait was seeing the nhs genetics team to confirm our eligibility for nhs pgd, we had that at the end of September. I’ve lost another pregnancy since then so couldn’t have started any sooner as they have to wait for three cycles to ensure your hormones are normal again. Needless to say, we are no longer trying naturally!

Belle86 profile image

Hey, I’m on the same waiting list for IVF with PGD at Glasgow GRI . The said the waiting list is 6-8 months from when I seen them for first appointment. My app was Sept xx

Jules84 profile image
Jules84 in reply to Belle86

Awe really? I knew it was too good to be true. Have you heard anything since your first appointment? X

Belle86 profile image
Belle86 in reply to Jules84

No nothing, was going to give the PGD nurse a call in January just to check on where I am on the list. It’s so hard as trying not to arrange too much for when my 6 months comes around just incase it is time to start treatment. She said in Sept that people who are at the top of the list then were getting booked for starting in November. Feel free to pm anytime x

Jules84 profile image
Jules84 in reply to Belle86

It’s so hard to plan isn’t it. Yeah wouldn’t hurt to give them a wee call. So really we’ll be looking at autumn next year. Jeez this is rubbish xx

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Jules84

Yes get calling and nagging- I hadn’t heard anything from my clinic for ages and when I rang them it turned out the pgd coordinator has left! By ringing I was able to move myself along a bit!

Are either of you having pgd due to chromosome translocation?

Jules84 profile image
Jules84 in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Yeah I was found to have a balanced translocation so it was recommended that we get PGD. Oh well fingers crossed I might speed up a bit but we’ll soon find out I suppose. I think my app only came about because I chased it up, otherwise would prob still be in limbo x

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Jules84

We have a balanced translocation too. It’s been difficult talking to the family about it as they’ve needed to get tested too. It’s a bit of a shocker to find out isn’t it?

Jules84 profile image
Jules84 in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

I know, I’d never heard of it and none of my family have any issues having children. My parents are waiting to go for tests but all that will do is tell me if one of them have it they’ve been able to have naturally with no problems. They’ve been waiting months to get their tests. Have yours been tested? X

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Jules84

They’re on waiting lists. My husband has 8 cousins all younger than him, all without kids, so we are really hoping it is not hereditary from the generation above as it could affect a lot of people.

WeeJacs profile image

Hi Jules

I had 2 attempts at the Royal. Yes that's you now back on the waiting list. We waited 9 months after the 1st appt x

Kyell2 profile image

Oh me too. First appointment at the royal on 10th January. New year, new start 😊

Belle86 profile image

They contacted me about a month after my first appointment for my Mum to get bloods done at GP that were sent to genetics at the Southern. We are looking for specific chromosome on my side so just needed my Mum tested to know what they are looking for.

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Belle86

That’s an extra layer of waiting compared to what they need to do for a chromosome translocation. I hope they get your cycle started soon xx

Lynnedevine85 profile image

Hey ,I was at the Royal . The nurses in my opinion are fantastic . I had my very first appointment around 15 th sept sign papers and take passports and didn’t start till Dec . Had few appointments in between. It’s a huge waiting game ! It’s so exciting when you get a date but as unsure what’s going on you dissapointed when u don’t actually start straight away ! I am now 13 weeks (2nd time lucky ) and I honestly can say the ladies in there will do their best to help you ! Take it easy and if you need anything from me have all appointments logged for time wise ! Good luck ! Wish you well xxxxxxxx

Jules84 profile image
Jules84 in reply to Lynnedevine85

Awe lovely news, congrats!! Wishing you all the best and thanks for the hope 😘 xx

Kay_x profile image


New to this site so not really sure what am doing, was just wondering if anyone knows what happens at your second appointment at GRI ? Xx

Jules84 profile image
Jules84 in reply to Kay_x

Hey! Not yet, got my first appointment on Wed. Do you have your second appointment scheduled? Xx

Kay_x profile image

Yeah had my first appointment on the 12th of December and got my second appointment the other day for 20th February xx

Jules84 profile image
Jules84 in reply to Kay_x

Had you already given your blood samples etc for that first one? Second app seems quicker than I thought so that’s good xx

Kay_x profile image

I had given bloods then they lost the results 👎 and a had to do them again and a went for a scan that was at cross house hospital before my first appointment at GRI, yeah ano a didn't expect my second appointment to be so soon xxx

Jules84 profile image


Had my first appointment yesterday, we talked through the process and as expected, on to another waiting list. Because we need PGD our waiting list is up to 12months. 😔 xx

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Jules84

Oh no! How annoying. Will you try naturally in the meantime or are the risks too high in your case?

Jules84 profile image
Jules84 in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Morning! No they said we can try naturally in the meantime, our risk higher but it’s not high of that makes sense? Xx

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Jules84

Have you seen a geneticist? Our concern was the risk of having a severely disabled child if we continued to try naturally but our translocation is such that any child conceived with the unbalanced version would not survive to birth, so they reckon we have a high risk of miscarriage (more than 50%) but are no more likely than anyone else to have a disabled child. Are you in a similar position?

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Also, sorry to keep replying but how can they justify 12 months wait with the 18wk waiting time for treatment expectations?!

Jules84 profile image

Yeah we went to a geneticist in anime last year. They said we had 5% chance of baby having an issue and 1.5% increase of miscarriage compared to everyone else so our chances aren’t as severe but they still referred us for IVF. We had another miscarriage after found this out 😔 so we were think IVF was going to be the road for us. Can’t beleive it’s another 12 months since being referred 6 months ago.

It’s all so complex isn’t it? Trying to be positive for this year though 🤞🤞 xx

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