I’m gutted. 2 embryos transferred at day 5, was so hopeful but had heavy bleeding and cramps at 8dpt and then finally BFN this morning. Can’t stop crying and financially so hard as already in debt from this first round. Really want to try again. What is the success of 2nd rounds?
BFN This morning: I’m gutted. 2 embryos... - Fertility Network UK
BFN This morning

I’ve read that round two has a higher chance of success. So sorry that it didn’t work for you. Have a chat with the clinic to see what they’ve thoughts are?
So sorry to hear this, it’s really tough. Apparently it’s more successful the more rounds you have. For me it was third time lucky. Xxx
So so sorry for your bfn honey 😢
Take time for yourself to recover and grieve.
I don’t know much about success rates etc I’m afraid. Just wanting to show my support, from someone who also got their bfn this week.
Sending hugs and healing thoughts to you.
Take care of yourself
I’m so, so sorry it hasn’t worked for you. I know you are feeling devestated. Allow yourself time to grieve and when you’re feeling strong enough perhaps your review appointment at your clinic will help you decide on a way forward. Take care, sending you a big hug 💕💕
So sorry to hear. Success story for round 2 are real. If and when you decide to start again consider using these multiplans. Not only it eases the financial side but also the emocional one as you know that plan B is already in place.
So sorry. No success for me this time either. Thinking of you x

I’m so sorry for you too x I think we are going to try and relax over Xmas and rethink round 2 in the new year.
It is well God will make a way when there seems to be no way you will surely testify one day just trust on thy Lord
So sorry to hear round 1 didn't work. It's such a rollercoaster and we put so much hope in to getting our dream... Following a recent early miscarriage I was sent this info from the hfea on live birth success rates for consecutive treatment cycles and found it quite encouraging....
What are the birth rates if you have more than one cycle of IVF?
The below percentages show the average chance of a birth after one, two, three and four cycles of IVF depending on your age. After four cycles, there are very small increases in the average chance of a birth across all ages. 85% of people have one or two cycles of IVF. Only 5% of people have more than three cycles.
Chances of a live birth – women under 40
One cycle – 32%
Two cycles – 49%
Three cycles – 58%
Four cycles – 63%
Chances of a live birth – women aged 40 to 42
One cycle – 12%
Two cycles – 20%
Three cycles – 25%
Four cycles – 28%
Chances of a live birth – women aged over 42
One cycle – 4%
Two cycles – 6%
Three cycles – 8%
Four cycles – 9%
So sorry I know exactly how you feel our first attempt failed in November , they say the more you do the higher the chance , what they don't take in to consideration is this is people's life's and hopes ,
We are in the same boat financially still paying off round one ,
The thing that gave me hope was if your willing to travel it's much cheaper overseas I want to travel husband wants to save and do next round here ,
We are at dead lock at the moment ,
Just try and enjoy Christmas take a break your body has been through so much and your have a better chance when you have recovered ,
This is what pulled me out of a dark place ,
I wish you all the luck in the world and please be kind to yourself Hun ,
Hugs Nikki xx
Thanks so much for your kind words Nikki. I’m also so sorry it didn’t work for you this year. I’ve put it down to 2017 not being the year and looking forward to 2018. It is so comforting to hear from others in the same boat. I hope you and hubby work it out for the next round. Where are you looking to go if done abroad?
That's the exciting bit I've looked at Spain , turkey and Poland ! Poland is the cheapest buy far ,
Cypress looks amazing and the customers care is brilliant , they are happy to chat and information is fantastic , if nothing else it took my mind off the BFN and made me feel I was being productive ,
I know my husband wants to try another UK clinics we talk all the time about the best way forward ,
It's just finding the right road for both of us that's tricky lol xx
Honesty though the minute I say let's have a few weeks off over Christmas to think about things life became easier ,
2018 is going to start with me being positive ,
2017 was a bad year for a lot of people including me and my family I lost a baby and lost my sister ,
But and I don't say this like the people that say relax it will all be fine , being kind to yourself letting your head have some room and planning where your next IVF will be what your next move is gives you time to heal a bit from your grief
2018 will be our year !
Head up lovely lady I'm rooting for us all
Nikki xx
Hi Boltonk,
I am really sorry and it's natural you feel like this
I understand that a second round could be more succesful, as the process itself can be diagnostic: they see things in the first round that can help them understand where the problems are and plan better for the next one. At least this is what I have been told...
Wish you all the best. Lots of love xxxx
Sorry to hear that I know how you feel though, I had my second IVF recently and currently on my 2ww. Going to have a blood test on Tue but already know it will be a negative 👎 we just need to pick ourselves up and try again! This process is so emotionally draining and so hard on a relationship
I am grateful for this group and for all the women sharing their stories. I can not even imagine not knowing that I am not alone! Every time I fail another transfer, reading the positive stories picks me up
I wish you all the luck for your next round! Stay strong 💪