Testing: Hey! So I had my transfer 9th... - Fertility Network UK

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KatieB84 profile image
21 Replies

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Hey! So I had my transfer 9th December 2017. We had two embabies put back at a 3dt. One was an 8 cell (which my embryologist said is what they hope for on a 3dt) and the other was a 4 cell when they rang me at 7.30am day of transfer but by the time of transfer 11.30am it had already developed to a 5 cell. She said it’s workimg hard to catch up 😂 Anyway, my question is how long after a 3dt did everyone do a hpt and get a BFP. Really praying at least one of them stick this time. Thank you xx

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KatieB84 profile image
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21 Replies
vansoire profile image

I did quite a lot of research on this and found that 9dp5dt the HCG levels should be high enough to be detected on a home pregnancy test and some of the tests (First Response is the best) are more sensitive to others and will therefore give you an earlier reading. If you had a 3dt then you may need to wait til 11 or 12dp. Obviously I cant guarantee you will get a result before your Official Test Day but it worked for me on day 9 after egg transfer with a 5 day old embryo. Hope this helps! Good luck in your 2ww, it’s tough but sending you positive vibes! 🤞🍀😘

KatieB84 profile image
KatieB84 in reply to vansoire

Thank you. Was thinking of tearing early but I’m going to try and hold out till OTD. I breezed through the 2ww last time but I am struggling this time. How far along are you? X

vansoire profile image
vansoire in reply to KatieB84

Good luck! It doesn’t get any easier after the OTD either - I’ve got my 7 week scan next week on 20th Dec and finally got the 3+ weeks to show on the digital test this morning so feeling very relieved but won’t be able to relax til we see the heartbeat next week! 🤞😊

Dunla profile image

Very best of luck Katie 🍀I have always waited until the test date given by the clinic so can’t help with your question.

Hoping you get your BFP 💖

KatieB84 profile image
KatieB84 in reply to Dunla

Thank you. I only tested early last time because I started bleeding. I think because I know this is my last nhs cycle with no Frosties I’m panicking a bit more xxx

Dunla profile image
Dunla in reply to KatieB84

I know, it’s such an unbearable wait. The anxiety is overwhelming. Truly hoping it goes well for you 💖

Wilburbear24 profile image

Them embies look like little fighters! I waited until otd so can't help you but I did read online it can be from day 9 but it's best to get true result on the day I think. Look after yourself and best of luck! Xxx

KatieB84 profile image
KatieB84 in reply to Wilburbear24

Thank you. I really hope they are little fighters xxx

JB1988 profile image

Hey hun, I don't have any advice on testing earlier as this is my first round of ICSI but we also had our embryo transfer on Sat and had 2 put back! FC for you hun!

Is your test date 22nd?

Jess x

KatieB84 profile image
KatieB84 in reply to JB1988

Hi Jess. Good luck to you. Mines the 23rd. How are you feeling xx

JB1988 profile image
JB1988 in reply to KatieB84

Thanks hun, good luck for the 23rd!! I feel a bit sick today not sure if that can even be related or if its too early?

How about you? xx

KatieB84 profile image
KatieB84 in reply to JB1988

Been feeling sick since yesterday too. I’m sure it’s too early to be anything. Struggling to sleep though it’s a killer. X

JB1988 profile image
JB1988 in reply to KatieB84

Mine has only come on today and I feel so tired.

I've been told twice I look pale and run down! Charming! lol! Must just be lack of sleep I guess!

Need this week to hurry up, its dragging so bad! xx

KatieB84 profile image
KatieB84 in reply to JB1988

I breezed through the 2ww on my first cycle but I am struggling this time xx

JB1988 profile image
JB1988 in reply to KatieB84

This is obviously my first 2WW for assisted cycle and its killing me - work isn't busy enough to take my mind off it and I just feel rubbish today!! :(

I hope we both get the best Christmas presents though! xx

KatieB84 profile image
KatieB84 in reply to JB1988

Keep everything crossed 🤞🏼

JB1988 profile image
JB1988 in reply to KatieB84

same for you hun xx

Esme78 profile image

I decided not to test early and did a home pregnancy test on the day, as advised by my clinic. I felt very pre-menstrual and, like clockwork, my period arrived on the morning of my test which was heartbreaking. However, you pick yourself up and dust yourself off and move forward, in a positive direction. I've just had a FET (our only one remaining embryo) yesterday and was told to test next Friday. I'll think of you and wish you all the best with your testing. Hoping for the best Xmas present for us both xx

KatieB84 profile image
KatieB84 in reply to Esme78

On my fist cycle my period came few days before my OTD when it was due. I had no Frosties so this culex was fresh again. Had two put back and none to freeze again. Good luck to you x

Cinderella5 profile image

Just wanted to wish you lots of luck!xx

KatieB84 profile image
KatieB84 in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you my lovely xx

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