I couldn't contain myself today... I rang the unit to ask for an update on our embryos.. I was so disheartened when the embryologist told me our embryos hadn't divided they were showing signs of trying but they should have done so before this time (which was 11am today).
She said she would give them until the end of today to see if they have a delayed response and she would give us a call this afternoon, but it didn't look positive.
I have cried all day. Once again, our cycle turned upside down, another dampener on our happiness.
At 4pm she rang.. One of our embryos had DIVIDED!!!!!
Again, I cried hahaha! All I have done is cry, tears of happiness and sadness!
So I'm booked in for a three day transfer tomorrow. I know its another stage of worry but we are another step forward, thats the main thing...