I have not long found out I am pregnant, I have started bleeding little bits not much, so I went to the hospital today An they gave me a scan and they could see the baby but no movement and no heartbeat, is this normal as this is my first time pregnant the lady that was giving me the scan told me not to be expecting good news when I go back in 2 weeks for another scan😞 X
6 weeks pregnant and bleeding - Fertility Network UK
6 weeks pregnant and bleeding
I know sometimes 6 weeks is too early to see much, another week will be clearer. Slight bleeding in early pregnancy is very common, have you tried doing a pregnancy test, to see if the line is still strong? Such a worry, hang in there, hopefully good news at the next scan x
We had a scan a test 6 weeks and had one empty sac and one heartbeat- a week later there was another heart beat in place of the empty sac. So there is hope. But I know it can go the other way too. A terribly difficult two weeks for you. I hope all is ok. Xxx
Hi Jade-. So sorry to hear this, but try and hold on, as sometimes it can take 7 weeks for a heartbeat to show up. That's why I prefer 7 week scans to 6 week. Light bleeding is common, and we don't always know why it happens. I do hope all turns OK for you. Diane
Aww thank you soo much everyone I am still bleeding a little bit but not much I'm just going to try stay positive thank you all so much xx