Hi All,
I'm knew to this - an avid reader of blogs, but have never posted before.
My husband (44) and I (33) have been TTC for nearly 2.5 years. Having then discovered I have a low AMH and moderate endometriosis (that cannot be removed - too high risk as it's too near my bladder), I had prostap injection in June (3 months early menopause then followed). We then started our first round of IVF in Sept. 9 eggs were collected (more than I had dared hope for!), only to then have the phone call the following morning to say that only one had fertilised and survived the night. The decision was made that it was better in than out, so (as long as it made it another 24 hours) I would have it transferred on Day 2. Transfer went OK, then the 2ww was as much of an emotional rollercoaster as the rest of it had been, but on Friday 13th October, I had my first ever BFP! We were in equal measures of shock and elation!
However, it was short lived, as only 9 days later (5w4d), I had an early miscarriage. We also then had my husband's only brothers wedding in America to attend. 3 days after miscarrying, I was on a plane (doctor said it was fine to fly, i just had to wear those stockings) - to spend 10 days with my brother-in-law and now wife - who was 10 weeks pregnant with twins. Which I didn't handle very well. Emotions all over the place.
Now, 5.5 weeks after it all, i'm still waiting for my period.... Knowing that i have 3 months of prostap to go through before the next IVF cycle, i want to get on with it and get things moving. Wondering if i'd ever know i was ever ready to go ahead again? I don't know. But i know that time is of the essence, and i think having a 3 month window to prepare myself, i just want to get cracking.
But how long will my period take to return after an early IVF miscarriage?
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has ever written anything on these sites, you have all been my comforters these past few years. And sorry for the long post. If anyone has any words of wisdom, i'd be so happy to hear them