Hi everyone . I have been stimming for 9 days gonal-f and then cetrecide from day 5. Clinic changed injection times from night to morning . On my first cycle I had 16 follicles collected ,8 fertilised . Six then made it to day 3 then only 2 made it to blast ( I was told 1 on the morning but there was a second lower quality that they transferred too). I ended with a BFN. I have been for my second scan today on my second cycle and only approx 6 were measured at the right size . I’m being triggered tonight ready for collection Tuesday morning . I’m just really concerned at the low number of follicles I have this time around . I’m aware at how many you lose along the way so having a panic I’ll end up with nothing at day 5. We have opted to have the embryoscope this time as well in the hope that it give us better final numbers . Any advice appreciated . X x
Low follicle numbers - a lot less tha... - Fertility Network UK
Low follicle numbers - a lot less than last cycle

Hi, I know your concerns and could probably relate to it. Never had too many mature follicles to count on, thanks to my shitty AMH. But telling you from a logical point of view: if it didn't work earlier in spite of the 16 follicles being collected, it could be totally the opposite this time. Who knows maybe it will work with the 6 follicles - any one of them could be your baby. The more the follicles the greater is the chance of success, true. But there are numerous success stories with just one transferable embryo. If you want some reassurance that it can still work with a less number of follicles, you can check Dr Elena Mozgovaya's brief overview on embryo transfer. It's quite informational on how the whole FET works and may give you significant insight to shed your fears - all it takes is one egg and one sperm in the end. So, go forth with full optimism that it will work and everything will be okay. Sending baby dust! XOXO
Thank you so much for your positive words . I feel the second time you know everything that can go wrong ( first time you go into it a bit blind ) . So I’m over analysing everything ! Despite telling myself to chill and how much more chilled I’d be this time . There is nothing I can do about it now other than pray that this eeek goes ok and I get at least one to transfer . Hope you are ok wherever you are on your journey . Thanks for the lovely words . You made me feel better xxxx
You're welcome! I totally understand your concern but the second process is totally independent of the previous one - except for the cause, I guess. So, there are equal chances of both good or bad - let's just count on the good because that's what all the struggle is for. Over analysing will only drain you emotionally. I know you can't stop it right away, but I'm glad that you're at least trying to relax.
It’s quality you need not quantity. My first round was similar to yours, I’m hoping for fewer but better quality eggs for the second round.
Good luck!

Thank you xx fingers crossed for both of us . So stressful isn’t it !!! Xx
Definitely remember quantity over quality, I only had 6 eggs taken my last cycle but 5 fertilised and 4 made it to top quality blastocysts. Wishing you lots of luck xx
I have been reading your posts over the past few weeks. You are a very strong lady xxxx good luck for your next steps . Thank you for the reply . I keep saying that to myself xx
Aw thank you, I’m taking a break from treatment for a while but feel relieved I’ve got a plan for next year. It’s hard to think quantity over quality but just remember you’ve done everything you can xx
I had 4. I'm now pregnant. It's quality over quantity! Hope you have a little fighter this time around!
I have been on gonal f and started cetrotide yesterday and i have a gut feeling i havent responded, i had low back ache for one day but i havent experienced any bloating or discomfort, im not sure how soon i would feel like this though. Im going for a scan today so will find out but im always reading comments about quality over quantity and people having succesful rounds with so few follicles. Fingers crossed for you, sending my love and good vibes xx
My friend had a very similar low number, and only one made it to blast stage. Shes now 2.5 years old. Xxx
I only had a few follicles around the same as yours. I still got 8 eggs, 6 mature, 5 made it to blast, 1 did not make it.
My first didn’t work, but have 3 frozen.
I was also 39 with low AMH, it really is about quality. Good luck and don’t worry.