Hi everyone,
I thought I should give an update after I posted about my bfp some weeks ago. So at the 7 weeks scan, we saw an empty sac and we were immediately transferred to EPU. I had very high hcg value (31,000 at 7wks 3days and 47K 48 hours after) and they advised us to watch how it progress.
The sac kept increasing in size, but no sight of the baby. After 3 weeks, I opted for medical management and this failed on two attempts (first attempt administered sublingually and second attempt - via the vagina). So I opted for surgical management.
I had surgical management yesterday, it went very well and I felt I should have gone straight for it, because the pain and cramps I experienced with the pill wasn't funny at all.
Thank you to everyone that messaged me. I know we are all heading towards the same destination, though our paths and routes are different, but I pray we all get there safe and sound. To all the wonderful and strong ladies out there, I wish you the best, let's continue to forge ahead.
Love you all.