I had a scan recently and found out I had a retroverted uterus. I asked the nurse what this meant and she said some people have it, it doesn’t affect fertility it’s the same as being right or left handed. Does anyone have this aswell? It always just seems like it’s one thing after another with me that’s not normal 😢
Retroverted uterus : I had a scan... - Fertility Network UK
Retroverted uterus

Welcome to the retroverted uterus club (or laid back uterus as I think it is!). Yep, I have the same uterus position as you and please don’t worry about the position you are very ‘normal’. As the sonographer said it’s like being left or right handed! 😘👍

Thank you, it’s nice to be reassured 👍🏻 it’s just when your told these things you think come on I’ve already got problems I don’t need anything else!

Hi Bella_12. This condition can sometimes kink the cervix. Making love “doggy fashion “ will tip the womb forward and allows easier access for sperm to swim through the cervix. Lying on your front has the same effect. Diane
Hi I have a retrovered uterus too! I only found out in July when I had my hycosy I must admit I'd never heard of it before! I don't think it will be a problem for you, I naturally got pregnant and had a child almost 10 years ago and it was never mentioned to me then! Good luck on your journey xxxx
I have this and my research suggested 1 in 6 women have some form of retroversion. Although it doesn’t cause infertility, it can make scans more painful (if so, take painkillers half an hour before) and you will want to make sure you have a trial embryo transfer if you are going to have ivf, to make sure they can access and get in to your cervix ok xx
I have a retroverted uterus but it’s caused from endo with my uterus stuck to the bowel dragging it back. Makes smears more difficult although so does being tall.
I have a retroverted uterus also. I was told when I was 20 ish and told I would potentially have to c - section but I haven't got that far to know yet. X
Hi Bella,
I found out I had a retroverted uterus during my scans, it was a bit tricky when I had my last transfer, but they managed ok. I don't think its anything to worry about x