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Confused by my OPKs πŸ˜•

Bubz2017 profile image
β€’12 Replies

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Evening ladies, I'm hoping for abit of advise from anyone who has used OPKs please πŸ’

So..My cycles seem to finally be going back to normal after coming off the pill a year ago. I started using OPKs again last month having given up using them in the past because I never got any where close to a positive.

So, last month I got a near positive on CD20 and a blazing positive on CD21. This month I got a near positive on Tuesday (CD17) but since then they have become more and more faded and I'm really confused. Does that mean I geared up to ovulate and didn't? Maybe I missed my surge somehow (I tested twice on CD17 and both were nearly positive) Or should I just keep testing as last month it was CD21?

Thank you xx

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12 Replies
AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

I'd say keep testing. There is months when we don't ovulate you could have potentially missed your surge if your irregular. But I think keep testing in future start testing a couple days after your period has ended just so you get a idea of what's going on. Good luck hun. Hope your ok πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

Bubz2017 profile image
Bubz2017 in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thanks for the reply hun ❀️ I've got a progesterone blood test next week (it was meant to have been done already but my doctor forgot to add it to the list of things to test me for last time I had one, which is awesome because blood tests are my worst nightmare) and then she said she will refer me to a fertility specialist after that. I'm trying to be optimistic but it's so hard :( xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to Bubz2017

I know it is hun. Bless you. Have you had all your vitamins done and other hormones thyroid etc hope you get some answers soon. Good luck on your progesterone test. πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

Bubz2017 profile image
Bubz2017 in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

The doctor did all the usual hormone tests I think. On the card there was.. thyroid, iron, folic acid, LH and FSH, and a couple of other things that I can't remember now lol. My scan came back fine as well which is good. Although part of me was hoping that they would find "something" wrong so at least I could start working towards a solution. It's frustrating trying to tell them that things are all over the place when they are saying "well it all looks fine" 😩 Xxx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to Bubz2017

I know it's a headache sometimes I wish I'd have gone into medics just to understand what is normal. What's normal for one isn't for the other and the tests have such big ranges. If were in the normal part they don't tend to tell you if it's lower part either. My old dr did he was very good but he's retired now. I suggest start getting hold of your results and looking at them seeing if their at the lower end of normal. My progesterone was normal it showed I ovulated but it was at the lower end which explained the spotting although I already knew in my head that my progesterone was low the test just confirmed it. That's why with this bfp I knew I needed progesterone it's helped so far iv not spotted at all like I did I'm my last pregnancy I just hope it works out. Xx. Always get a copy of your tests it really opens your eyes and hopefully you'll get on the road to working out what the problem is. Drs just do the basics our health we have to be our own advocates. I say this because in 18 years iv never heard of endo from a Dr and when I did I diagnosed myself this time after so many miscarriages I pushed for progesterone because iv learnt endo is estrogen dominant and I knew that my prog was low (never offered to me) now iv asked for my thyroid to get tested again as my previous results we're in the higher range for a women ttc but that was never told to me It was just told normal I worked it out myself from others and research. Now when I get these new results I'll be getting my print out as I'm on the way to m c clinic and if there out of the optimal pregnancy range I'll be asking them to medicate me. Sorry for the rambling hun I'm just trying to give you insight as to why I suggest you do these things. It pays off hun. If I'd have acted like this years ago maybe I wouldn't have gone through so much heartache who knows. I wish you all the best hun hope you get answers very soon πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

Bubz2017 profile image
Bubz2017 in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thank you so much hun! You're not rambling at all, it's really nice to have someone who knows where I'm coming from. The doctor I have now doesn't come across as being very interested. I asked her why I might have spotted after my positive OPK last month and she just said "I don't know I forgot to ask for your progesterone to be tested". I've felt for a while that my progesterone was low because I spot at some point every month, usually in the week or so before my period starts. But the process seems slow. It's been over 4 months now and I'm no closer to having answers than I was when I started. They lost my scan results so it took me 5 weeks to get them once I finally convincing the receptionist to chase them up for me and now I have to repeat my blood test. I'm probably just being impatient but that's how I am generally anyway lol ❀️ xxx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to Bubz2017

It's good to be impatient in these things because that's how we have the drive to push and get answers. Tbh I see two drs one for the fertility baby stuff and another for the rest of stuff. You just have to get that rapport with them once that's established and you feel your bring heard they become a lot more helpful. You can spot when you ovulate that's quite common. But spotting before period is a sign of low progesterone. I started using natural progesterone cream I was in the 3rd month when I fell on again but once I got that positive I pushed them to give me pessaries. Keep pushing hun if your not bring heard find another gp at your surgery. It's so frustrating when they loose things what are important to us. If you ever want a chat you know where I am hun. Keep positive it will happen just take more control πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

Bubz2017 profile image
Bubz2017 in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Sorry to pester you again! I was just wondering what natural progesterone cream you use hun? Was it one you bought yourself or was it a prescription? If I can just buy some I might give it a go xxx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to Bubz2017

Your not pestering me hun not at all hun. I'll pm you don't think I'm allowed to say which brand as it's classes as advertising xx

ClarabGlasgow profile image

That one looks like it’s leading up to a positive to me. Mine are normally like that for a few days before the line goes really dark. The dark line normally lasts 2 or sometimes 3 days for me so not exactly sure when I ovulate. It tests your Lh surge so think if you are only testing once a day it’s possible to miss it. Maybe that’s what happened this month) x

Maybe try either charting using a basal body temperature or buying the more expensive opk kits which give you a clearer response (clearblue do one where you get a flashing or a static smiley). You’d get a better idea then. You can also look out for your vaginal discharge (sorry TMI) going like egg white as a sign of ovulation.

I use these tests x just dtd every other day I have 2 surges in 1 month sometimes

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