I was wondering if anyone out there with low amh has successfully tried mild ivf and/or iCSI. Or can shed some light on the process? We had it first failed cycle this summer and are now looking at private clinics. We had consultation this week and were recommended mild ivf. I didn't respond well to first cycle. We got 6 eggs and two embryos which weren't great. My lining was also borderline at 6mm. We mentioned to Dr that we also had two eggs which abnormally fertilised. Dr then suggested ICSI might be better option as one possible reason for abnormal fertilisation was two sperm penetrating the egg. It's all a bit confusing! Even though the cycle would be mild, it still sounds like I'd be on a high dose of stims so I don't get the 'mild' bit. Also had my amh retested and it's dropped from 10.03 to 6.3 in ten space of 12 months. Yikes! It's not looking good for us. Didn't realise it could drop so quickly.
Low amh & mild ivf/icsi: I was... - Fertility Network UK
Low amh & mild ivf/icsi
Hi maybe it’s mild as in short rather than long protocol? If so I can share my experience. I also have low amh but was on highest drug dose x
I've literally just had my nurse consultation for my next 3 rounds of just that! I'm having "modified natural" ivf which is what they will be referring to under the term mild ivf. I have low amh of around 2.87 and AFC of 8. I did 2 max dose "normal" ivfs on the NHS and both were poor, so we made the decision to turn to this form as I'm hoping I might get better quality embryos due to less drugs. My drugs are about £600 instead of £1800 like they are on max dose.
We have bought a course of 3 treatments with time lapse imaging for £7000 (plus all the drugs and blood tests and sedation fees making it around £11500). I'll message you the details of the clinic as they specialise in this area. Most clinics now offer it but it is heir main treatment so I feel they are the experts in it.
I have met someone on instagram who had her treatment there with amh of 1.5 and she just gave birth.
I should be starting my cycle on the 19th October so I'll keep you updated.
Hi Ash2016, I've tried both mild ivf and iCSI. I also have a low AMH.
The mild IVF meant that it was a short protocol and also that the drugs were a lot cheaper.
I have three good quality embryos frozen from three cycles. I was disappointed at the number but I'm trying to be positive/grateful since although it's not great I know that it could have been worse. My Doctor always told me that the aim of doing mild IVF iCSI was to get one good egg so them being able to retrieve multiple eggs across the cycles was a good thing.
Good luck for your treatment. I hope it works well for you x
I dream of getting one blast. Three is amazing! Well done. Did you notice any difference between the ICSI and the ivf in terms of results?
Thank you. I only have one 5 day blast and the other two are 3 day but I have been assured that they are good quality. It was disappointed and then relieved and now I'm terrified about the next stage. The worry never stops does it?
I've only did ICSI. They recommended that because of my low egg reserve
So yes short protocol does feel quite fast in that you just start on day 2 or 3 if your cycle & stimulate for around 10-14 days, have egg collection then transfer 3-5 days later so not much longer than a normal cycle by the end of the tww. I’m not sure what drug dose for a low amh is best , I had a high dose but have read in places that lower can be better as with low amh you are only likely to produce a few mature eggs anyway. Might be worth investigating that a bit more x