Hi all,
I posted last week about the total failed fertilisation we experienced during our most recent cycle in February. We have our review meeting with our consultant today to discuss next steps and trying to work out what questions I should be asking at this stage.
One thing I have been thinking about since last weeks terrible news about the fertilisation is what things might help to boost my egg quality and I have done a little bit of reading around mild IVF cycles? Does anyone on here have any experience with this? How did you find it and what was the outcome?
For reference, I'm 37 and have completed 4 fresh cycles, and 1 FET. I have had BFPs twice but both unfortunately ended in miscarriage.
My AMH at age 34.5 was 12.3, but most recent AMH, taken at age 36.5 was 7.9. First 3 fresh cycles in 2022 and 2023 all resulted in 7 eggs being collected, with two eggs fertilising and one making it to blast. This was despite my consultant increasing the does of stims each time (150, 225, 450). In my latest fresh round (Feb 2025) my stims does was high - 375 - (although not as high as the previous fresh cycle) and we only ended up with 4 eggs, 3 mature and 0 fertilised. I can't help but think that we need to focus on quality of the eggs, rather than quantity, especially since higher doses don't seem to have yielded any improvement in numbers in the past? I'm also so conscious that in the break between my fresh cycles my AMH seems to have dropped quite a bit so anything we can do to ensure quality will be important.
Would love to hear from anyone in a similar position? What did your consultant recommend? Was mild IVF an option?