Well, first day of 2ww and I’m already googling. I’ve found this on pineapple natural-fertility-info.com/... - what do people think?
Pineapple: to eat or not to eat in th... - Fertility Network UK
Pineapple: to eat or not to eat in the 2ww?

I ate pineapple both rounds of my bfps and didn’t with my bfn. It’s probably a coincidence but it doesn’t hurt to try, although I found the texture disgusting and it almost put me off pineapple for life xx
I didnot had pineapple as i googled and some of them says its not good. Result was BFP
Thanks both of you! I knew I’d get some helpful advice here 😄
I've eaten pineapple for the first 5 days after ET on all 4 cycles - 2 of each so I think it is all down to luck but worth trying everything. I've read you shouldn't have pineapple juice once you've got a positive though x
I never ate it but did drink loads of pomegranate juice every day. Now 22 weeks xx
Good luck xxx
I Did the pineapple core (slice pineapple into 5 and had a piece each day) and the Brazil nuts for first 5 days. I also had half a glass of pomegranate juice each day (I read you shouldn’t have too much). I also didn’t drink ice cold drinks or eat salads or raw veg or spicy food (all advice if acupuncturist) or processed sugar or chocolate or caffeine (all can affect implantation). You could say I went a bit OTT but so far so good. Got my beta tomorrow but frer still positive this morning. Wishing you lots of luck xx
I blitz two pieces of it in my nutribulletv with some filtered water taste better that way. Anything to fight inflammation and, help implantation Just be careful when you eat / drink it xxx
I ate it and got BFP. Of course there isn't any concrete proof one way or the other but I liked feeling like there was something I could do to help.
I had pure pineapple juice for the first 6 days after my transfer and I have a faint positive, my blood test is on Tuesday. Xx
I stopped as soon as I saw the blue line... xx
I didn't eat it on my first cycle or this one. Got bfp on my first but had a mmc - I find out the results of this one on Wednesday
I ate pineapple everyday and tried to eat as much of the core as possible but they were on offer at asda at 50p and gorgeous that it wasn't that difficult a task!
ended in a bfp and 32 weeks tomorrow.