Hey, how are girls in the 2WW doing? My OTD is Thursday, just want it here! Xxx
2 ww: Hey, how are girls in the 2WW... - Fertility Network UK
2 ww

V slowly! How are you? X
I'm ok, been having a lot of cramping and feel so bloated by the end of the day, hopefully good signs. You ok? When's your test day again? Xx
Me too but don't know if that's good or bad Xxx
Mines on thurs but I'm going to test Friday morning instead. Got work Thurs and won't be able to cope if negative. Feeling worried because I've not had any spotting which everyone else seems to have. Xx
It's going to slow week one done 🙌 Another week to go 🤞👣🌈💋
I have to wait until next Sunday it seems a lifetime away at the moment! I know I'm probably going to crack on Saturday and do it then though! I have no symptoms whatsoever, which I'm not sure is good or bad?! It's going to be a long week... best of luck for Thursday! Xx
Good luck to you all and please hold out - you don't want an unnecessary early negative to upset you! But it must be so frustrating not knowing for so long! I should be in my first ever 2ww later this month if all goes well! X
Hey Allybally81, my OTD is also on Thursday! I've had very little symptoms except on and off cramping. Fingers crossed we all get BFPs! X
Hi fellow 2WW’ers, this is torture! It’s my first 2WW and I’m only on 5DPT!! I’m noticing every twinge and praying it’s the little twinnies burying in!
Best of luck to everyone 🤞 x

I'm on 5dp5dt too, my clinic said to do beta on 9th and you?
Hi Rubinaa, I’m 5DP3DT. I’m to POAS on October 12th - it’s so far away!! I reckon I’ll be testing at the weekend tho, the suspense is too much. U having any symptoms? How many did u transfer and are u fresh or frozen? Good luck with ur 2WW 🤞 xx

We transferred 3 fresh blastocysts so they were grade A 5dt... the only thing I felt was a lot of cramping in the belly for the first 3 days and sore boobs, plus my lower back has been very numb, the soreness has reduced now to 10% and no more cramping, my back still gets numb now and then. I've done 4 tests in the last two days.... can't control my overflowing emotions... 🙁 This is our first ever try.
Oh wow 3?! That’s fantastic. Unfo after EC back in May we had a failed transfer so what we had were all frozen - unfo that was only 2, a good quality 8 and a good quality 6 - so disappointing as we started with 9 eggs.
I’m the same as u, loadsa cramping first few days and sore boobs but nothing much now at all. Apart from a few stabbing pains in my lower right abdomen earlier today - I was hoping it might be implantation but not had any spotting yet. I wish I had a camera inside to see what the Frosties are up to!
I’ve not tested yet - was gonna wait for the weekend - if I can wait that long. My hormones r all over the shop tho - poor DH and DD!! I had to remove myself from the room earlier 😂 So I feel ur pain there. It’s good to know I’m sharing the journey with someone at the same stage!!
Best of luck to you!! I’ll chum u thru this if u like 😘 x

Just this evening I've been getting a lot of pulling feeling in my lower abdomen, the first time it happened was unknown and sharp and I jumped from the sofa, ever since its happened 3-4 times in the last 2 hours... I googled 'pulling feeling in tummy' and early pregnancy symptoms came up... 🙁 I really do hope we all get a BFP - it's driving me insane - I've ordered myself 50 HPT arriving within the next 24 hours!!! I've gone through all the tests at home already... going insane to this level.
OTD tomorrow and I am so nervous! I really have no idea which way it may go either. Was really tempted to test today but think I’ll hold out for tomorrow.
Hope this is a good week for all of us!! 🍀
Good luck everyone! I'm testing Friday after work and then have a week off. I've had my usual pain near my right ovary that I get before af. Had it since 3dp5dt so not sure if that's good and I now have backache. Hoping we have lots of BFP's xx
I'm on the 2ww it's been the longest 2 week ever. Test day Friday. Very anxious about it. Good luck to everyone

Good luck to you too sweetie I test on Saturday...