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New here 2 ww stories ivf

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3rd IVF cycle, OTD Wed however had period symptons since Friday so feeling disappointed and sad 😢 and just wondered if anyone wanted to share their experiences positive and negative of going through this as quite lonely experience thanks xx

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35 Replies
WaltzingWonder profile image

Hi Coral, sorry to hear this. Have you had your pregnancy test to confirm it definitely hasn't worked? My clinic always make me do mine, even when I'm bleeding which always seems nonsensical but having been in this forum for a few weeks, some little miracles have happened so I can see why they make you do it.

Totally get you on the loneliness thing. All of my friends and family know about our IVF and the failed cycles we've had and they're all lovely but they aren't always able to fully understand the sheer rollercoaster of emotions that come with it all: the pinning of all your hopes on this because you couldn't conceive naturally and then the misery of the 'solution' not working either! Have you got someone to talk to that you feel understands a little more?

What are you doing to keep yourself perky between your cycles? Xxx

in reply to WaltzingWonder

Hi there, thanks for your reply 😌

No I have to test on Wed this week but not sure I will get there with the symptons I am having, 😞 my first cycle I had a period before test day but yes I still have to do the test which was really hard but can like u can appreciate why they want you to do it.

Some of my friends know haven’t told them all as the more I tell the more I have to tell it hasn’t worked which gets harder the more cycles you have. And yes no-one completely knows how hard it is even my lovely family who are great don’t understand as no-one gone through it. I go to a support ivf group the hospital set up which is really good and have some friends and parents I talk to it just doesn’t take away the pain of it not working and sometimes feel like am I just kidding myself it is going to work but without hope I wouldn’t put myself through it I guess and need to look back and feel I tried as best I could.

Me and boyfriend make sure we have date nights, go on holiday etc I go walking to clear my head.

How many cycles you done if you don’t mind me asking xx

WaltzingWonder profile image
WaltzingWonder in reply to

3 transfers in total: 1 live and 2 frozen. Unexplained infertility so nothing for it but to continue trying though the docs are running some more tests next month the before we try again in the summer. It sometimes feels like an endless waiting game doesn't it but hopefully we'll all think it was worth it when we get the prize at the end 🤞

Keep going - you're doing brilliantly and really hope next time is your time xxx

in reply to WaltzingWonder

Thanks so much and same to you 😘 you sound really positive and that you just get on with it which must be hard after 3 times and not knowing the reason. But like you say you just get on with it keeping the end game in mind and that in itself shows determination and strength just the bits in between when you crumble that gets harder, I find the more cycles you have. we at least do know our problem boyfriend low sperm count and mobility he is really positive though and says we just just go again if it doesn’t work and I do need that sometimes just hard as the women when you body has to deal with the hormones 😱 and after affects. Best of luck and hope the tests help your pathway to being successful xx

WaltzingWonder profile image
WaltzingWonder in reply to

Ha, yes I sound 'together' now but am definitely not in the weeks of and after the cycles ;-) Keep going guys - all it takes is one swimmer. Hopefully he'll come along soon xxx

in reply to WaltzingWonder


Hope76 profile image

Hi, have you had a bleed yet ? My first successful cycle I really felt period was on its way. I tested only when it got to OTD not thinking for a second would be positive but it was. 😁

Please remain open minded and hoping between now & Wednesday it passes fast for you. Watch a good film & try take your mind off it.

Good luck 🍀🤞🏼🙏🏻

in reply to Hope76

Hi no bleed as yet but am sure it will happen as white discharge happening (sorry to share 😳😀 ) which normally happens a day or so before I start to bleed together with all symptons I have of stomach cramp, bloated, needing to wee more and general heaviness in that area.

Wow great you had a Bfp 👍 how many cycles did it take?

Thanks for positive vibes I will try and remain hopeful, been out walking today which was a great help and spent time with family to keep my mind of it. Thanks for replying xx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to

I had exactly these same symptoms as you and got a BFP on 10dp5dt in friday just gone on my 7th embryo xxx

in reply to Scarlett13

Wow. Congratulations happy u got a positive result how many rounds did it take. ? Unfortunately mine was negative guess I will get my period any day now best of luck for a happy and healthy pregnancy xx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to

Sorry you got a negative 😢it’s really hard. It took me 3 cycles and 6 transfers and 7 embryos to get my first BFP but I’m now really worried by my symptoms - good luck with your next go - you have to stay positive and trust that it will work one day and keep going xxx

Hope76 profile image
Hope76 in reply to

No blood is a good sign 😀 The 2ww is absolute torture and the symptoms you are feeling can either be side effects of the progesterone, period on way but more important can mean you are pregnant.

Thanks, I got my first BFP 2015, he is now my 3 year old son about to have his Sunday night bath 😘 We won the bloody lottery as that was our FIRST go IVF.

A few years on now we are now private desperately trying for his sibling. This is not turning out so straightforward. 2 x BFNs from 2 single transfer FETs. Had our second fresh cycle last year, double transfer, got our BFP but happiness was short lived as ended in MC. Just gone through our 3rd fresh cycle and never even got to transfer stage due to my poor response to the FSH drug Menopur. Previously had always responded well to gonal f so if we go again we are going to request gonal f.

Anyway I will be following and please...positive pants on I know how hard that is though. Roll on your OTD 🤞🏼

Kempton profile image

I would say don't write it off just yet. I had completely written off the chance of any success after I started having usual pmt symtoms and not ones I'd associate with pregnancy.

Otd arrived and I still refused to believe it had worked so didn't bother testing. But no period. It was another day or so until I tested (simply because I still hadn't had a period and I wasn't experiencing any pregnancy symtoms). Well, I got a positive! And the symtoms didn't kick in for another few weeks and even then they were very subtle.

Just try and keep the faith for a bit longer. Hopefully this is your time!!

in reply to Kempton

Thanks trying to keep positive but today finding it really hard today think it is because I have kept myself busy up until today and because the symptoms have carried on since Friday kinda feeling deflated.

Great that you got a positive result sounds like you had a massive shock 😂 when you got the result 😂 can’t believe you didn’t test on your otd 😂.

Thanks for replying and really hopping it will be our time xx

Kempton profile image
Kempton in reply to

Do whatever you can to keep your mind off it and have some sort if fun thing planned for wed just incase it's not the result you want (even if it's just dinner at your fave restaurant). But hopefully it will be good news!

in reply to Kempton

Thank u xx

hannahding profile image

Hey, I recently got my first bfp. Before that, I also thought that AF was coming. So at times, it could be a false alarm. In my case, it was the stress that AF might come so psychology also applies. Just stay positive! And hope for the best. Good luck to you. I hope you get a positive.

in reply to hannahding

Thanks for replying unfortunately negative xx

Strawberrychaos profile image

I was the same as you I was convinced it had failed, I had terrible cramping enough to take a mild painkiller but I also had red blood spotting. So I just assumed the worst that it was another failed cycle. Especially as when it happened it was 4 days from test day so I thought it was far too late for implantation. However I was wrong and on official test day I had my bfp and now I have my 8 month old son 🥰. I don’t want to give false hope in case it’s not the same situation as mine. However, I also don’t want you to despair cause sometimes implantation can be so much like the start of your period it’s so hard to differentiate between them xx

in reply to Strawberrychaos

Thanks unfortunately negative xx

Strawberrychaos profile image
Strawberrychaos in reply to

Oh no sorry to hear that hun 🙁xx

in reply to Strawberrychaos

Thanks xx

Ldb01 profile image

Had my third attempt of FET transfer on 14 March. I was so neauseous and had cramps all the time. Blood test turned out negative. I was convinced third time lucky. Have been fine all weekend but today am feeling somewhat depressed. I am 45 so time is of the essence for me. Now just waiting for the period to arrive after stopping progesterone on Thursday. Frustated and irritated to say the least.

in reply to Ldb01

Hi we sound in similar situation this was my third time 1st time 2 transferred started bleeding before test day, 2nd time no eggs fertilised (devastated) this time really good 4 frozen 1 transferred no bleeding so was hopeful now just feel upset and frustrated/angry. I am 42 so know how u feel time feel time is against me. Not sure I will ever get lucky 🍀 perhaps it is not meant to be I must have done something bad in a previous life I think.

How r u ? Hope u r starting to feel little better. Xx

Ldb01 profile image
Ldb01 in reply to

Hello Coral, I am sorry to hear that, people around us just dont understand how we feel. My pharmacist told me to “just get yourself a puppy”. At 42 you still have a good chance. My gynae doesn’t seem to think 45 is even too old. Feeling better today except I still have cramps and feeling tired. Are you going to try again ?

in reply to Ldb01

No they don’t & that in itself is hard. Can’t believe someone said that so insensitive if only it was that easy to take away the pain hey have u started ur period yet? Just want mine to come to get it over and done with. . We have 1 fresh round left & 4 frozen embryos so we will go again I just need time to grieve and get out of feeling negative, angry & sad & thinking what is the point am I being silly by expecting it will happen, natural I guess to feel down.

Will u being doing another round? xx

Thanks everyone for ur comments unfortunately negative result 🥺 no blood so thought I had a good chance seems not, makes me think it will never happen guess it’s natural to feel upset just not sure it will ever be our time xx

SunnyDream profile image

Hello dear! Today is Wed and I wanted to know if are there any updates concerning your test?

I had one IVF (live) cycle several years ago and got bfn. Sometime later, I decided to move forward and try my luck again but with ICSI and not in the country I live in. My DH and I went abroad and made one more attempt. My periods had been started before OTD, thus I got my test negative. Now I am on my second and the last ICSI (frozen) cycle. Truly believe that everything will be good this time and I will get pregnant.

I am very sorry that you have AF symptoms again but believe that you will be okay, as such things happen during pregnancy. Don't panic beforehand. Be strong!

As somebody once said: "Let your faith be bigger than your fears!"

in reply to SunnyDream

Hi there, thanks for message and thinking of me, unfortunately negative result 🥺 no blood so thought I had a good chance seems not, makes me think it will never happen guess it’s natural to feel upset just not sure it will ever be our time. I really hope ur cycle goes well & I am sure with ur positivity it will, when will u find out?

Love ur quote did try & keep the faith when no bleed but back 2 feeling fearful today & that I & my dB won’t get our happy ending xx

SunnyDream profile image
SunnyDream in reply to

I just started bcp so my ET will be approximately in May. Can't stand waiting! Frankly speaking, I put up with negative results and do not really want to reassure myself to get bfp. I don’t want to hate myself again if I fail... Though I still have hope)). I know that everything will be alright in the end! And you will definitely be happy!!! I know it!

My warmest vibes to you!


in reply to SunnyDream

Yes I know how that goes just want to get going and get a good result as quickly as possible. U mustn’t hate yourself and blame urself for failure easy I know but ur body has done amazing things to get u this far and will do amazing things to get u what u want. U r very brave to have continued this far with everything u have gone thru take strength in ur resilience and determination. Wishing u all the best and will look forward 2 ur positive news in May time xx

SunnyDream profile image
SunnyDream in reply to

Thank you very very and very much! Good luck!

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to

How are you doing coral? What is your next step? X

SunnyDream profile image

Hi Coral! How are you? How do you feel?

Hi there, thanks for thinking of me 😘 I am ok, been a really tough week, today is the first day I haven’t got upset and cried (taking that as a big positive) 😂 this time I have really struggled with my emotions and sadness of the cycle not working and trying really hard not to dwell on it & feel like it’s never going to work which is a bit how I feel. My work isn’t that great atm either so think that is also why I feel a bit down. I guess after a failed cycle for me the reality sets in of the chances being low in this working. We will go thru another cycle but hard as the more I go thru the harder the disappointment and the more I think it is not going to work. I will persist with a heavy but hopeful heart. How r things with u? xx

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