Not posted for a while but have been reading lots of the posts and pleased there have been some positive updates from some. We had our transfer appointment for our only frozen embie on Tuesday but sadly it didn't survive the thaw, despite being a semi decent grade (3bb) we are both devastated and struggling currently. All was going really well and I responded well to the progynova so was all set. We knew there was a small chance (about 10 per cent) of it not surviving, but when we arrived they got us to gown up so we stupidly assumed all was good until we the embrologist came in with the news. They said if we had any questions we could ask them, but to be honest I just wanted to get out as I knew I was about to burst into tears. They called today and we've got a follow up appt next week, so thankfully not too long a wait. This was our last nhs attempt so if we try again will need to save up a huge amount of money which is a worry. Not sure what to ask at our follow up either, but husband is convinced both attempts failed as his sperm was obtained from a PESE operation earlier this year due to his diagnosis of azoospermia.
Just wondered if anyone gone through anything similar or has any advice on what to ask at our appointment next week ? Thank you x