Hi, so I'm 3dp5det and other than a few aches and pains and bloating the evening of ET and day 1 & 2 I've now got no symptoms... I know not everyone gets implantation bleeding or spotting and there's still chance but just getting worried as feel completely normal today... Did anyone with a BFP NOT get any spotting or bleeding?? Thanks 😥
Day 3 post embryo transfer - Fertility Network UK
Day 3 post embryo transfer

I didn't get any spotting or bleeding with either of my BFP's so definitely keep positive. It's quite early to for symptoms, the tww definitely is torture xx
I know - it so is!! Thanks that's reassuring. I've got my head saying one thing and my heart another and just keep going through different emotions - it's horrible. I'll just try and forget about it but it's very hard to just go on as normal when you know what's going on inside!! x
I'm the same had transfer last Thursday and don't feel any different, I get that not everyone has symptoms this early but it all plays with your head a bit! Just want test day to be here to know either way! Xxx
Relax loads...
Trying to aswell as keeping my mind busy! Easier said that done though isn't it! Saying that my hubbie seems to be managing, must have a different brain set-up than us! Xxx
I know, hubbies seem to find something or the other to do, I'll be on the same boat as you as my transfer is tomorrow morning, he booked me 3 spa treatments this evening and I'm loving it, I think that's all I'll be doing while on 2ww... keep in touch xx
Okay - when is your OTD?? mine is next Monday and am not going to do a home test before hand I'd be too nervous to look at the stick! Xx
I know how you’re feeling I’m also in the dreaded 2ww and it’s torture, you are constantly watching and wondering if it’s a symptom.
My OTD is Sunday but the days feel like they are going so slow and I’m at the point where I almost don’t want to do the test incase I’m disappointed. I’ve had what I think is spotting the timing would be about right (and I’ve never experienced anything like it before) but you just never know and I’m scared to get my hopes up.
My advice would be have plenty of things planned to keep your mind as distracted as possible, books, box sets, etc
Take care and lots of luck and babydust xx
I had no spotting or bleeding with my successful pregnancy. Loads of pain and bloating but more around day 10 so 5dp5det. Good luck!
I had mine on Monday so day #2 for me, I no how you feel, I keep waiting for something to happen lol, I was surprised at my test date as doctor told me 9days after transfer a pregnancy test , then the nurse came through and gave me the 9th October which was 14 days, when I mentioned doctor said 9 she said no 14 , but hey ho nearly half way through first week, won't be long xx❤️💋🤞
Last night and still this morning I've got sore lower stomach, like what period pain is so I'm thinking it's game over for me 😞 Xxx
I'm struggling so much! I feel NORMAL! 😩 I know some people do, with my last 2 I had so many signs and by this point (5dp5dt) I remember my boobs felt really hard by this point both times. Not this time. I really have a gut feeling it's not worked 🙁 Xxx
I found this blog post online about the 8 stages you go through in the 2ww - so true! Interesting and actually made me smile as made me feel normal!!