Hello everyone,
I hope you have all had a good Friday, the weekend is finally here!
Some of you may remember me from back at the start of the year when I had my failed 1st icsi attempt, and unfortunately lost out on my free frozen transfer as we had none to freeze.
So I took a break away as I needed to save 5k to go through another round.
For all the new people on here I have mild pcos and my partner has low sperm count and his mobility is under 1%.
So we have been saving away which has proved a lot harder than we thought but.........
this week I've found out that when my great grandad passed away he left all the grandchildren 12k each which was put into shares, I've now been made aware of this and it turns out that one of the shares looks like if I was to sell it now I'd get back a huge amount which will fund my next round of icsi.
So cut a long story short I've contacted the fertility clinic and it looks like I will be going for my second round in January so giving them my Nov period!!!
In the mean time whilst I've been saving they have had me on metformin to try and get me ovulating and my period cycles have gone from 50 day cycles bk to 30!!! Which is amazing, I'm having my day 21 bloods done next month to tell if I'm ovulating or not (fingers crossed I am) So thing are finally looking up for me and I can get all excited again.
Just want to pass on my happy news and say never give up on your dreams π xxxx