Me and my Partner have been trying for a baby for 4 years so we decided to go to our GP so then he referred us to the fertility clinic. So we had our first apportionment yesterday still a lot to take in, had more bloods done but now i need to go for an ultrasound. Has anyone been through this or going through this.
Confused :/: Me and my Partner have... - Fertility Network UK
Confused :/
Hi Alli. It's a confusing time. Any questions that come to mind write them down and ask your consultant at the next meeting. The ultra sound is probably just to check the womb and ovaries and maybe do a baseline follicle count. Gives them a picture of your fertility. You'll have a follow up meeting and then you'll probably have your blood test results back by then.
Diane Arnold on here is really helpful and has a list of questions you can ask the consultant if that helps.
Hey, I went through this stage about 3 years ago. At my clinic in the beginning they did a lot of tests and scans to get a better idea of what's going on and what treatment is the best way forward. Have you got an apt to go back and see them?
It is a emotional rollercoaster this journey but I'm sure you'll get lots of support from this forum xx
It is a hard process , hopefully it won't be too long, ivf has taught me to be very patient, wait for this wait for that, and trust me from someone who likes everything done yesterday, hope you get good results 🤞❤️🌈
Thank you for all your advise, When i had my first blood test at my doctors they said that my blood was not showing any eggs, so this is why they have done another lot of blood test. We need to wait until they have the results back from my partner's semen then we will have our next appointment. xx
The first sets of bloods that you have done are to check your hormone levels at certain points in your cycle. Your hormone levels can tell them all sorts about your fertility health. The scan complements that by taking a picture of your ovaries, tubes etc to see whether there is anything unusual there, e.g. Polycistic ovaries. Once you've had those done they may be able to give you a picture of whether there is an issue or they may send you for more tests to confirm. It is a scary process and it isnt pleasant to have to go through it and even less pleasant to be told that something is wrong. But if they do find something then at least you know why it's not happening for you and they can look to see how you can treat it. There are various different options out there depending on what the problem is (if there is one). My advice would be to take it one step at a time otherwise it can all become quite overwhelming. Don't be afraid to ask questions to your doctors and this forum is a great place for advice or just to have a good old rant if it all becomes a bit too much. Good luck!
Hi 👋
Yeah I have been there . It's a long road but a year and a half later we are now second on the list for iui as we don't qualify for IVF on the NHS.
Hope all your tests come back with good results ! !
Has anyone on here had iui ?