I've had a terrible week:
1) 5 days late for period - hopes got raised but then dashed. My period is normally so regular that feel that's even let me down now! So cruel.
2) best friend is pregnant - happy for her but ended up causing me to have a complete under the duvet melt down!
3) Sisters with children have not been supportive, even saying to my parents "she's in a mood" - hello yes it's called having a really hard time with infertility! I'm so angry, they really haven't been supportive at all and now this.
Having feelings of; why us, what's wrong with me, give me a break! Should I let my husband go and find someone else (we don't actually know what the issue is - but I'm in complete self hatred mode) Why is it all so hard...?
We've been trying for 3 years had one unsuccessful ivf round and I'm nearly 36 (as is husband). Going for another private round but I'm exhausted with it all!
Sorry but even writing it down has helped!
Any advice of how to keep myself going would be appreciated!