OK so in my 3rd 2ww and trying not to symptom spot but getting the odd sharp pain in my tummy. I am also reading about implantation bleeding and I have never been pregnant I have never ever seen those two magical lines so I have nothing to compare too however as my initial optimism slowly turns to panic and preparing myself for the worst I am wondering as I have never had an implantation bleed does this mean it is unlikely that I am pregnant? I feel now I should be realistic that this might not woek😢😢😢having a low day😢😢xxx
Implantation bleed: OK so in my 3rd 2ww... - Fertility Network UK
Implantation bleed

Hey lovely. I'm keeping my fingers firmly crossed for you. Also, statistically less people get implantation bleeding than people who don't! 2ww is so hard and you're doing really well xxx
I think every experience is different, so no implantation bleed isn't something to worry about. You've done everything right so far, so just keep doing it. Be gentle with yourself. Sending love and happy thoughts! Xx
Not everyone gets implantation bleeding. Keep on being positive. Worrying won't help so if you can try to take your mind off things with cheesy movies, puzzles or anything to keep you mind occupied. You're doing really well xx
I didn't get one this time! Not a spot or a tinge. You're still in it xx
Hi vic77, the 2 WW is truely awful. Unfortunately from what i can gather, all the symptoms of early pregnancy can also be attributed to the progesterone. In addition, not all women will have signs of implantation either in pregnancy. And yet knowing this, i myself in the 2WW have been watching videos on youtube and googling away for any clues as to whether i might just be showing some sign!!
Is there something nice you can do today? maybe go for a relaxing walk? Xx
Thanks Mrs. .when do you test?you think this would get easier with practice. .am at work so that helping..hopefully it a bfp for both of us xxxx
OTD 5th. Your brave to keep soldiering on. Went for a walk and was thinking though statistically more likely to concieve on 3rd or 4th attempt, so i'm very hopeful this could be your time. I'm off until wed which probs isn't a good thing. I had a moment before where i burst into tears (on my own) whilst saying out loud, this is like some form of torture. Not dramatic in the slightest haha!!!! Some fresh air did me the world of good however xx
We test on the same day😊😊hopefully that is good luck. What cycle are you on? Yes I keep says no third time lucky and success rates go up with 3rd attempt xxxx
This is my 1st hun. We've been trying 5 years but i was avoiding this route and finally caved. Was a tough decision at the time but the right one. Gave us a renewed hope. I've decided to do HPT OTD whilst waiting for phone call of blood results. If its a positive i want to see it for myself also.
3 times the lucky charm xxx
P.s i have had no spotting xx
Unfortunately it is a bloody mystery, cycle two and three I had the same symptoms, cycle 2 I got a bfp (mmc at 8wks) and cycle 3 a bfn so it is bloody witchcraft at this stage! Very unhelpful I know, sorry xx perhaps go out for coffee (decaf) and cake?! I always find food helps to distract me for a short time!! Good luck and keeping my fingers crossed! Xxx
Its so hard not to look out for wee signs here and there and we freak ourselves out if we have twinges or a bit of bleeding.....but still freak out if we have nothing! Its just a crap time of not knowing! Glad to see that you've had some chocolate, well deserved treat! Hang on in there!xx
Hi Vic77, I had no spotting with my one and only pregnancy (miscarried at week 7). Just relax honey; you never know what's gonna happen x Best of luck ❤️
Vic I am feeling the same at the mo. Knicker watching and analysing everything! I'm 4dp5dt and feel 'normal' which worries me too lol 😂
I read somewhere that only 30% of women get implantation bleeds, so it is definitely not a mandatory symptom for being pregnant. I never had one and after chatting to several of my mommy-friends, only 2 out of 10 said they'd had it. You are definitely not out yet, so chin up xxx
I had no implantation bleed and felt odd pains and twinges daily. Was on knicker watch for the whole 2 weeks! Now 14 weeks pregnant.
We are all so different so try not to over google (impossible I know)
Good luck, fingers crossed for your bfp xx
Sorry to hear you're worrying. I think distraction helps a lot - I might start a 2ww distraction techniques thread, it's always handy to get tips and hopefully I'll need these soon in my frostie cycle! Xx
We had a great idea our first 2ww where I wrote activities down on pink paper that would make us laugh and my dh wrote ideas on blue paper. We put them all in a big bowl and I picked a blue one one day then him a pink one the next. It was great fun and passed the time quickly whilst having a giggle. Was silly things like have a night where we listen to our records, watch our wedding video, get take away, go to the beach. We did it 2nd 2ww too but with a lot less enthusiasm and haven't done it this time but still use this time to try to do nice things together xx
That's a good idea😀I worked my way through married at first sight..UK, USA then made way onto Australia. ..lol xx
Good luck vic fingers crossed it ll be fine xx
I never did I don't think many people do you know. Never met anyone who did. Xx
Thanks that's reassuring as I go slightly mad😉xx